Mix These Three Ingredients And Apply Them To Your Hair. You’ll Be Surprised!

Cinnamon repairs damaged and dry hair, in addition, it helps stimulate its growth. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it can help reduce and eliminate problems such as fungi and dandruff.

Having healthy, beautiful hair can be challenging. Every day we must give it different care, in order to stimulate its growth, strengthen it and eliminate all those impurities that accumulate due to exposure to environmental pollutants.

There are different products and treatments on the market that are intended to help improve hair health, prevent hair loss and strengthen it so that it looks abundant and healthy. However, many of its effects vary between people and not in all cases meet the expected expectations.

For this reason, many people seek alternative treatments to repair and nourish their hair. The ultimate goal would be to beautify it, without the need to spend large sums of money.

Today we are going to share a recipe that might interest you. With only 3 ingredients, we could get a treatment to take care of the hair and improve its appearance.

What does this treatment consist of?

This natural alternative that could help achieve healthier hair, consists of taking advantage of the benefits of ingredients such as cinnamon and honey. For years these two ingredients have been used by the cosmetic industry to make many commercial products.

Benefits of cinnamon


Cinnamon is known for being aromatic and healthy. It is ideal to include it in recipes and remedies that aim to improve health and prevent diseases.

What many people do not know is that it can also be a hair stimulating spice that could help improve hair growth. The reason for this is its content to its enzymes, vitamins and antioxidant compounds.

For which the opinion of experts can be consulted, such as those of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), who show the nutritional composition of cinnamon.

Among its benefits we can also find:

  • Helps clean the scalp, helping to maintain the good condition of the hair follicles.
  • It has antibacterial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties. Thus, it can help prevent problems such as fungus and dandruff on the scalp.
  • Helps lighten hair, especially for those with brown hair.
  • Helps to repair damaged and dry hair.

Benefits of honey


Honey is one of the most famous natural ingredients in the world, used in gastronomy, alternative medicine and as a natural sweetener.

For years it has also been used as an active ingredient in beauty treatments. The reason is that it has moisturizing, antiseptic and antioxidant properties that improve the health of the skin and hair.

The benefits of honey for hair include :

  • Contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements that nourish, repair and protect the hair and scalp.
  • Stimulates natural hair growth.
  • Helps repair and seal damaged ends.
  • Its moisturizing properties help to end hair dryness.
  • Combat the fall and strengthen the roots.
  • It acts as a natural conditioner.

Cinnamon, honey and balm treatment for beautiful hair


The combination of these three ingredients results in a unique hair treatment that can be used to accelerate hair growth, repair it and give it a spectacular shine.

If in recent days you have noticed that your hair is dull, dry and lifeless, do not miss this incredible recipe to regenerate it.


  • 3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon (24 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)
  • 5 or 6 tablespoons of balm.


  • In a clean bowl, mix the honey and cinnamon until well combined.
  • Then add the recommended amount of balm to it and make sure to incorporate it perfectly.

The amount that this treatment does is for those who have long hair so in case of having it short it can be divided for two applications.

 How to use

  • To begin, you must wash your hair well and separate it into layers using a comb.
  • Apply the mixture with a styling brush . Make sure to cover all the hair, but without it coming into contact with the scalp as it can cause irritation.
  • If it is more comfortable for you, you can apply it with your hands and rub it in with gentle massages.
  • Cover the hair with a bag and wrap it with a towel for best results.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes and then remove the towel and leave the bag on for another 3 to 4 hours before rinsing it off.

    Being a natural treatment requires constant application to notice the results in a short time.  Apply it once or twice a week.

    This recipe works for all hair types, especially normal to oily.
    In case your hair is dry, it is convenient to add a tablespoon of olive oil to the recipe.

    • Note:  Some people may experience a mild tingling sensation during treatment . It is normal.

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