Medicinal Herbs For The Pancreas

And you, do you take proper care of your pancreas? Sometimes we neglect or do not fully understand many of the functions of our organs. The pancreas is essential, among other things, for our digestion and to regulate blood sugar levels. How about we learn how to cleanse the pancreas using medicinal herbs?

How to detoxify and purify the pancreas through medicinal infusions

The pancreas is a small gland that we all have located behind the stomach.

It is a small organ, but by itself it is essential for our body. The pancreas is responsible for producing those gastric juices that help us to properly digest the food we eat, and allows us to obtain the proper nutrients.

It is also essential to produce insulin and balance, as we have already told you, the level of sugar in the blood. But what happens if at any given moment our pancreas becomes intoxicated or is collapsed? Our metabolism is altered and we can suffer risks to our health.

Many of the diseases associated with this organ are, for example, pancreatitis or pancreatic insufficiency. It is therefore worth taking care of our diet, maintaining correct and healthy lifestyle habits. In addition, supplementing our diet with medicinal plants will help us a lot. We indicate which are the most useful. Do we take note?

1. Echinacea


You must have heard of her. And you even use it regularly to treat your colds. Excellent. This plant is great for strengthening our immune system, but even more so, it is ideal to stimulate the production of bile by the gallbladder and to take care of the pancreas.

But you have to know an important fact, if you suffer from type II diabetes, it is not recommended. Consult with your doctor before consuming it. But if you don’t have this type of diabetes, echinacea is perfect.

2. Licorice root

It is not a simple childish candy. At all, licorice is a medicinal plant with excellent properties for our health.  It is believed that it could help the function of the pancreas, although there are no studies to support it.

What is true is that several studies praise its use in lung conditions, such as asthma, which makes it a perfect ally for colds. You should only be cautious in case of hypertension, as it can increase blood pressure levels.

3. The dandelion

It is always worth having it at hand. It is digestive, regulates tension and has been used since ancient times to treat problems associated with the gallbladder and liver, helping to stimulate bile. Its function makes the pancreas effortless, and it is believed that it could prevent the proliferation of malignant cells within it.

It is worth taking a dandelion infusion after your lunches and once a day. You will not regret!

4. Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon and Honey

Are you a fan of cinnamon tea? Well, do not hesitate, this very pleasant and aromatic spice allows us to have better digestions. And not only that, it reduces the level of sugar in the blood and is very beneficial for the pancreas. It is a very suitable infusion to drink in the middle of the afternoon. It will come in handy and you will enjoy it.

5. The gentian


It is not well known, but we assure you that it will be very easy to find it in any natural store. It is widely used for any digestive problem, especially if you suffer from pancreatitis. Of course, you should only take it if your doctor recommends it. It relieves pain, inflammation and is also a plant with many minerals. You can make yourself an infusion in your breakfasts. Ideal to start the day.

6. Green tea


It couldn’t be missing from our list. There are many virtues that are attributed to green tea, it is a great antioxidant, it is good for losing weight, to raise our defenses and of course, to improve our digestion. Hence, we recommend you always take it in the middle of the afternoon, with a little lemon juice, it will also help you take care of your kidneys.

Of the medicinal plants presented here, choose the one that you like the most. The most important thing is to be consistent and take it every day. Whether it is a green tea, a cinnamon tea or a licorice root infusion, they are excellent allies for your pancreas.

Remember also to eat a balanced diet low in fat, salt, and refined flours. It includes fresh fruit, green leafy vegetables, as well as natural juices and seasonal fruits. Do we start taking care of ourselves today?

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