Love Needs To Be Cared For At Its Roots So That It Flourishes Every Day

The care of love is not postponed or postponed for when it suits us. It deserves to be cared for regularly through the little things, those that nourish our roots on a daily basis and allow us to flourish.

When we speak of “nurturing” love, we are not referring only to that bond established between a couple. We also talk about that essential pillar with which to educate a child, that daily support to help strengthen the self-esteem and inner strength necessary to discover the world.

Although we all know what the word love means , sometimes the fact that love can be translated into intentionality escapes us so that it is noticed, we believe it and also so that a person feels, in turn, united with someone who it is meaningful to him.

Love must be cared for at the root, daily, and through the little things. Let’s reflect on it below.

To be authentic, love must know how to show itself

We are sure that the following situation will be familiar to you. You have a relative, someone close to you who often tells you “how much he loves you.” However, when you really need that person, they are not there. In fact, it is never really present to give shape and meaning to that supposed affection.

Yes, love must be authentically demonstrated in big things, but also in small things, in the most everyday. That is what “loving, beautiful and enriching” is really about.

Whenever possible, be a good person

Affection is not postponed for “a better time”

People who are always busy and who do not know how to prioritize or establish boundaries between what is essential and what is secondary generate unhappiness around them.

  • Take, for example, those parents who do not offer their children adequate care because they always have responsibilities.
  • However, today, we are all aware that working hours do not harmonize too much with family life.
  • However, there is one aspect that we must not forget: in reality, it does not matter that the time shared with our children is less than we want. The essential thing is that those hours have QUALITY.
  • Sometimes the most sincere affection and love only need a very small sample to be validated. As long as that sample is authentic it does not matter that it is brief.

Love is in the little things, not just in the big acts

Some people make the mistake of taking love for granted. For them, having a partner is beginning to believe that everything can be forgiven, that efforts are no longer necessary. At the same time, they believe that attention to the other is not a priority when living together and everything is said.

  • Thinking this is a MISTAKE. Relationships are like a beautiful plant, as well as delicate.
  • A relationship must be nurtured from the roots day by day. It needs water, nutrients, light … If it is not cared for, the plant dries up until its leaves fall off and it dies.
  • The same thing happens with affective relationships: what is neglected and taken for granted is lost.

We must remember the value of small things, take care of the relationship in that day to day where all these aspects that we now list count for you:

  • The words and the tone in which we communicate.
  • The language we use: understanding, never domineering, empathetic, never punitive.
  • Gestures and looks also count.
  • It is essential to perceive that we are still a priority for the loved one. That their need to take care of us and to know that we are well is still important.

Do not leave for tomorrow the love that you can give today

Couple hugging

The best time to show affection to someone is always NOW.

It is not a question of being fatalistic when thinking about what might happen tomorrow. But to invest in reciprocity to create fulfilling, authentic and meaningful relationships.

  • It is important that we are aware of how we address others, and what we do for them so that they feel good, so that they feel happy, loved …
  • Sometimes, very little is enough to make our children smile, to give that touch of magic that our partner needs …

To conclude, few things are more important than feeling loved and, in turn, knowing how to offer love. So let’s do it in a smart, valuable and respectful way.

Invest in reciprocity, in daily affection, take care of the little things. And, in turn,  have as your main objective to make those you love the most happy.

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