Love Is More Beautiful If We Learn To Share It

Love is the most beautiful of feelings, the emotion with the greatest positive effects on the human being. However, sometimes we lose sight of the individuality of the other or even our own, falling into possessive or dependent relationships.

Of course, this experience improves when it is shared. But how to do it in a healthy way? What conditions should be taken into account? If you are interested, keep reading! Coming up next, we tell you.

In what moments is love the most beautiful?

Affection is one of the noblest expressions that people come to express. However, there are some details that are worth considering in order to fully understand what this experience consists of.

Because love is observed, learned and, of course, shared …

Love is observed

Consider a four-year-old who spends every day in a family environment fraught with conflict, assault, humiliating words, and physical or verbal violence. The idea that will be made of what love is will be quite different from that of the child who grows up in a friendly and warm environment.

  • Children internalize the examples provided by adults.
  • It is likely that if in childhood we suffer emotional deficiencies, we conceive this emotion as a necessity to cover those wounds. We run the risk of becoming ‘seekers of affection’, but not ‘builders of love’.
  • Also, if in those first years of life, the relationship with the mother, father or other relatives is based on contempt, lack of attachment or a harmful bond, the child may come to think that ‘he does not deserve to be loved’.

However, it seems that the way in which we establish emotional ties as adults has a lot to do with the models to which we have been exposed in childhood, with what we have observed.

Love is understood and learned

No one comes into the world with an instruction manual on how to cultivate a proper, happy, and long-lasting relationship. Likewise, although we understand what it is to want and build together, sometimes we do not receive the treatment we expect.

  • Human interactions are particularly complex and sometimes wanting is not enough.
  • In fact, despite what we believe, love is not always a sufficient condition for a couple to remain in time.
  • In addition to affection, it is necessary that common projects, fluid communication and, above all, compatible interests take place.
  • We are discovering all these aspects little by little. We learn to be more intuitive, to know what we are looking for and which people are more suited to the lifestyle we lead or desire.

Love is more beautiful when it is shared

We would surely establish healthier bonds by understanding the meaning of respect and the importance of valuing others as part of oneself.

Because when affection is genuinely shared, selfish blackmail is set aside. That is, love is beautiful if we forget to find something in return, if we focus our attention on joining forces rather than on seeing what is best for each of us.

Therefore, if we intend to take care of those we love, perhaps this is the opportunity to ask yourself some relevant questions. Do we attend to the demands of others or do we focus only on our own? Do we think of alternatives to give in and reach agreements that benefit both parties?

The magic when we learn to share it

To maintain love it is necessary to work on it every day. Whoever gets carried away or begins to take certain facts for granted, ends up being unconcerned and losing what they want.

Also, if we treat those around us with respect, they will be more likely to respond in the same way. It is difficult to convey affection to someone who speaks to others with contempt or makes them ’empty’.

If, in turn, we teach the little ones the value of affection, we will have sown an important legacy for the emotional well-being of those future adults. We can give them an example by taking care of the small details, the looks, the closeness, the empathy towards the other …

There are multiple ways to cultivate conscious and mature love, the one that is built without invading the identity of each one. That is where the magic is, that beautiful connection between two people who are undoubtedly different. We tried?

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