Love According To Your Personality Type

Do we choose a partner according to our personality type? You may not have thought about it until now, or maybe you have always been clear about it. Either way, your character can influence how you build your emotional relationships.

Helen Fisher, an American anthropologist and biologist, tells us about the important role that personality plays in finding the most suitable partner. According to the author, there are 4 personalities on which the axis of the best compatibility would be built.

Love according to personality type

We admit it, sometimes we fall in love with the person we least expect. And it is that we fall in love with the one that least fits with our personality and that, nevertheless, complements us. Other times we establish very inappropriate relationships that only bring us unhappiness.

But why does it happen? Why do we look at such harmful personalities? One of the books published in this regard is the one entitled Why him? Why her? (Why him? Why her?) By Rutgers University anthropologist Helen Fisher.

The work is made from previous studies in which he had analyzed 39,913 members of the online dating portal . Thus, this interesting book defines 4 types of personality on which relationships are established. We present them below:

1. Explorer personality

These people conceive love as an adventure. Furthermore, they are impulsive and autonomous, very curious and tend to act according to what “the moment offers them.” Let’s see it in these basic axes:

  • Prone to always looking for new things, new experiences.
  • Willing to take risks regardless of the consequences.
  • They are very spontaneous people.
  • They have a lot of energy.
  • They are curious, creative, and optimistic.
  • As a virtue we highlight his mental flexibility.

    2. Managerial personality

    On the contrary, directive people are not dominant at all. This is an analytical personality type that extols logic and common sense above all else.

    • Very balanced.
    • Determined and confident people.
    • They tend to control their emotions very well.
    • They have a knack for getting to the point and saying what they want.
    • They like that everything has its own pattern and that they are done well.
    • Perfectionists.

    3. Builder personality

    Construction people have family, friends and the union with their family as their main value. In addition, they are serene and sociable people, very peaceful and do not usually take risks.

    • Quiet, self-confident but unpretentious people.
    • Persistent
    • Loyal
    • They are comfortable with established and traditional rules.
    • Has facility to develop and direct social networks.

    4. Bargaining personality

    Negotiating people are expressive, empathetic, and idealistic. In fact, they are usually very sensitive profiles as well as imaginative and with a very open mind. They also need to delve into feelings and have their emotional needs met.

    • They are able to see beyond appearances. They are intuitive people by nature.
    • Imaginative and sensitive.
    • Compassionate, with great mental flexibility and pleasant treatment.
    • Idealistic and altruistic.
    • They express their emotions, they do not contain or hide them.
    • They have great gifts for social communication and for establishing relationships.

    What personalities are most compatible?

    According to the study by Helen Fisher, the results on the most successful couples according to their personality type are usually the following:

    1. Explorers make good pairs with explorers.

    It is understandable. People who seek emotions and relationships based on punctual passion fit in with others who have the same conception.

    If we are, for example, negotiators or builders, we will not look favorably on that spontaneity or that idea of ​​living in the moment when in reality. On the contrary, we will prefer stability and start a family.

    According to the author, they would be perhaps the most “explosive” couples. Those who live with continuous ups and downs, who separate and rejoin, who love each other intensely and who, at the moment, seem to get bored when they have what they want.

    2. The builders are good pairs with the builders

    On the contrary, these couples value family, friends’ gatherings, spending time with their loved ones and fostering a joint future with children. They go where there is stability, calm and a sense of control over all areas of life. Of course, no strong emotions or risks, the best is calm and safe.

    3. Directors with negotiators

    There are many couples who usually establish stable and satisfactory relationships according to these profiles. Analytical, direct and perfectionist people seem to be happy with more sensitive and empathetic, emotional personalities.

    It would be a way of complementing each other. Analysis and objectivity in the face of the intuitive, the sensitive. Both seem to be attracted with the need to cover the faults of one, or perhaps, those areas that both do not usually practice normally in their daily lives.

    Obviously this is not conclusive. But the intention of the author was to give us an example of what type of personality those people who have more lasting and satisfying relationships dream of having.

    Even so, we have to take this into account, since if you are, for example, an emotional, sensitive person who seeks stability and that quiet daily life with a partner, it will not be appropriate for you to have a relationship with an “explorer”. Passion may prevail at one point, but sooner or later, disappointment will come.

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