Learn How To Make A Delicious Beet Salad

The beet ( Beta vulgaris ) is a vegetable whose root is an edible tuber with a very characteristic flavor and color. Intense dark red color like wine, it tastes a bit bitter and sweet at the same time. The beet salad is a delicious preparation to consume this vegetable.

Also known as beet, among other names, and in the kitchen it is often used in various ways.  With this proposal an option is provided to enjoy its characteristics in terms of flavor and texture, and also benefit health with its nutrients.

Nutrients and benefits of beets

You can prepare beet juice or salad and take advantage of its nutrients

  • Offers low caloric intake. Despite its great sweetness, it only contains 43 calories per serving. For this reason it is an ideal food to avoid and control obesity.
  • It lacks lipids and cholesterol, so it does not pose a risk to cardiovascular health. Due to these qualities, it is ideal to take it in weight loss diets.
  • It has an amino acid known as betaine, which protects against stomach and colon cancer.
  • It gives a high contribution of dietary fiber, excellent for maintaining the health of the intestinal system.
  • Provides manganese, which strengthens the bone, venous, muscular and immune systems. It also regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.
  • Another mineral it includes is potassium, which contributes to the formation of good muscles and optimizes the electrical activity of the heart
  • Contains vitamin C, folate and magnesium. These nutrients benefit RNA and DNA, as well as help prevent anemia.

All these components of the beet, together, make it a food of great antioxidant value. In addition, according to nutritionists, those who consume it obtain a high percentage of nutrients.

When buying beets

To guarantee its freshness and that it really contains all the elements and nutrients mentioned, at the time of purchase, you must choose those that have the following characteristics :

  • The tubers should be firm to the touch. If they are soft, they are not fresh, or perhaps they have not been stored properly.
  • Those with a slightly shiny appearance should be preferred. You should not buy them if they are very opaque, it is a sign of poor conservation.
  • It is recommended to choose those with a more intense color with light green leaves. As this vegetable has more time since its collection, the color fades.

Beet, apple and orange salad

This exquisite recipe includes ingredients that together with beets result in a very harmonious combination of flavors. The proportions of this beet salad are designed for approximately eight diners:


  • 3 beets or pieces of beets (80 g).
  • 1 turnip (40 g).
  • 1 clove.
  • 3 apples (60 g).
  • 2 oranges (50 g).
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (30 ml).
  • 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (30 ml).
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • 1 medium lettuce (40 g).
  • 50 grams of brown sugar.
  • ½ cup of nuts (100 g).

Preparation of the beet salad

  • First, cook the beets in water, without peeling them, for about 40 minutes, along with the sugar and cloves.
  • Once the cooking is finished, take them out and remove the skin. Cut them into 1 centimeter pieces. Reserve the cooking water.
  • Next, cut the lettuce finely and rinse it very well. Dry it completely.
  • Next, remove the peel from the oranges, the thin skin and the seeds, if you have one. Separate the fruit into wedges and cut them in half.
  • Peel and cut the turnip into squares of about 1 centimeter.
  • Then peel and cut the apples in the same way. The apple pieces will be used as soon as possible, because they can rust.
  • Next, make an emulsified dressing with the olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper.
  • Finally, gather all the ingredients and bathe with the dressing and a few tablespoons of the cooking water.

Beets can be prepared in many other ways. For example roasted, in soups and purees. Learning to make this delicious beet salad, you have a colorful and nutritious dish.

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