Is It Healthy To Skip Dinner Or Breakfast To Lose Weight?

Whether skipping meals is good for losing weight will largely depend on how the body reacts and conditions. Well planned is an optimal strategy.

There are many doubts about whether it is better or worse to skip a meal to lose weight or if, on the contrary, this makes us feel hungrier and eat more impulsively at the next meal. In this article we detail the pros and cons to lose weight more easily, with common sense and without unnecessary suffering.

Keep in mind that improving body composition is a sum of several factors. It is important to ensure a good diet, but also to do physical activity on a daily basis.

Lose weight with common sense

People who want to lose weight in a balanced way should always avoid urges when it comes to doing miracle diets or major restrictions. And it is that these can lead them to suffer from health problems and, in addition, to gain more weight later.

Losing weight should be the result of a better diet, which provides us with just the nutrients we need, no more and no less. In this way we will get used to eating in a healthy way, with a specific whim, without sacrifices or suffering that worsen the mood.

Rules to lose weight

Do you have food anxiety?

If you are a person who feels anxiety about food, who cannot compulsively and without restraint avoid foods that do not feel good, we recommend avoiding skipping a meal. Doing so will only increase the anguish and desperation to eat.

  • On the contrary, it is recommended to eat 5 or 6 meals a day, in small portions, chewing well.
  • We can also take a supplement that helps us control anxiety, such as Bach flowers.

The most suitable Bach flowers are:

  • Sweet chestnut ( Sweet Chesnut ): For anxiety.
  • Wax ( Cherry Plum ): Helps us take control.
  • Pino ( Pine ): For guilt.
  • Impatience ( Impatiens ): It brings serenity and calms us down.
  • White Chestnut ( White Chesnut ): For mental torment.

    Do you have any illness or do you take medication?

    If we take any medication or suffer from any disease, we should not skip any meal to lose weight, since the effects could be more harmful than healthy. In these cases it is more important to choose healthy foods to lose weight progressively.

    In the same way, women should also avoid this system during pregnancy and children, as well as people who are going to do sports or important efforts.

    Do you have digestive disorders?

    Skipping breakfast or dinner cannot lessen digestive disorders, as some people think. While it is true that eating light reduces symptoms, it is not correct to completely eliminate this food. When we do not eat, the acidity increases and we begin to have more gas and discomfort.

    In addition, it is likely that in later hours it generates a greater feeling of anxiety, which can lead to overeating and hours. So, the best alternative in these cases is to look for light meals. 

    Helps to lose weight

    We should not eat less

    Skipping any of the main meals is counterproductive if it is not done properly, as it could cause anxiety. While in cases fasting may be beneficial, in other situations it is more convenient to ensure all the dishes of the day. In turn, it is essential to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients, with all the body’s requirements.

    Anyway, well thought out, intermittent fasting has shown health benefits. It is important to control the products that are introduced in the meals that are made, so that the physiological effects of the fasting period do not fall on deaf ears.

    The key is to learn to eat moderately, making an optimal combination of all the food groups. Of course these must be healthy, preferably organic. Make sure to consume:

    • Fruits and vegetables.
    • Fatty fish.
    • Seeds and nuts.
    • Whole grains.
    • Olive oil.
    • Lean meats
    • Eggs and low-fat dairy.

    Keep in mind that, fast or not, ensuring an optimal protein intake is essential. The intake of these nutrients is capable of preventing the development of pathologies such as sarcopenia, according to a study published in Biomed Research International.

    toast with avocado and egg

    Can you lose weight by skipping breakfast or dinner?

    The answer to this question is a bit controversial. The reason? There are scientific studies that show that fasting can have positive effects, both on weight and health. Anyway, they have their application context. They should not be used in pregnant women, adolescents and subjects with certain metabolic pathologies.

    Therefore, it is essential to analyze the case of each person, taking into account factors such as their health, age and habits. So before skipping any of these meals, it’s best to consult with a professional.

    Fasting, an effective method

    Intermittent fasting, properly planned, can help you lose weight and prevent chronic diseases. However, it is important to ensure that the meals that are eaten throughout the day are varied and balanced in terms of nutrients.

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