Is It Advisable To Treat Menstrual Migraine Naturally?

Migraines are a recurring type of headache. They cause moderate to severe pain that can be throbbing or throbbing. Pain is often felt to the side of your head. You may also have other symptoms, such as nausea and weakness. It can be sensitive to light and sound.

Migraine is frequently associated with menstruation in women with migraine and is consequently commonly referred to as menstruation-associated migraine.

Phases of menstrual migraine

How to treat migraine headaches with natural remedies

As we have pointed out, it is very likely that menstrual migraine appears on two occasions throughout the month, the first coinciding after ovulation and the next before menstruation. In addition to this, it is characteristic that migraine is suffered in different phases:

  • Prodrome phase: it happens one day before the migraine, we feel more tired or even more euphoric, in each person it is different, we can also feel a little more hunger and some discomfort towards the light.
  • Aura phase: in many people it lasts between 20 minutes and an hour before the migraine itself, the light bothers us, we see flashes, annoying sensations that surround us with a strange discomfort.
  • Headache : migraine appears, a throbbing pain in an area of ​​our head that causes us dizziness, nausea and even vomiting.

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Female anatomy

Doctors point out that each woman is unique and that, without a doubt, she will have characteristic symptoms, and although menstrual migraines are very common, measures can be taken to prevent and mitigate symptoms and reduce triggers. Although the symptoms that we have indicated are general, it is true that each one can present variations on them.

Control menstrual migraine triggers

There are a series of foods and habits that we can take into account so that the appearance of migraine is more tenuous, and even, that it does not visit us. For this, it may be favorable to avoid the following things just during ovulation and a few days before menstruation. For this we recommend:

  1. Keep a record of the symptoms that you present during ovulation and before menstruation, noting the days when you suffer from migraines. If you know the guidelines of your own body you can take them into account to take action.
  2. Avoid the consumption of chocolates, sweets, caffeine, alcohol, fatty foods and industrial pastries. It is common to feel more anxiety to eat sweets, but we must correct ourselves to supply that hunger for fruits, fermented white yogurt or fiber, essential also on those days of the month, since constipation problems usually appear.
  3. During these days of the month (ovulation and premenstruation), avoid spending a lot of time in front of the computer or on television, bright lights could aggravate the appearance of menstrual migraines.

Natural remedies for menstrual migraine

Here are some products that may be beneficial for migraine symptoms:

  • Ribofavin (vitamin B2). Its supplementation has been beneficial when it comes to preventing migraine.
  • Coenzyme Q10. It has also been seen to help prevent migraine symptoms.
  • Magnesium. Lack of this mineral has been linked to migraine aura.

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The power of good habits

These habits, although they do not have scientific evidence to support them, could be beneficial when it comes to preventing or treating migraine:

  • For example, it would be ideal if you start the day with juices:  orange, carrot, tomato, which are very suitable for organic detoxification.
  • Ginger infusion: The principles of ginger root for migraine are also well known, hence, in those moments when you are suffering it is ideal that you take it as an infusion, drinking the sips very little by little.
  • Steamed with mustard. You can do it in a simple way: boiling half a liter of water and pouring a handful of mustard seeds into it. Once the water is very hot, turn off the heat and cover your head with a towel to inhale its vapors. They are very comforting.
  • Chamomile. It is a remedy that can help you in many ways. You can take it as an infusion or apply cold chamomile compresses if, once the infusion is made, you add a few cubes, and then moisten a cloth to take to your forehead.

Apple cider vinegar 3

  • Apple cider vinegar: We already know the many benefits of apple cider vinegar and among them is the power to help resolve migraine and headache states. To do this, and so that the taste is not so strange, you can dilute two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drink it and you will notice how little by little you feel better.

Finally, we remind you that it is necessary to keep track of the symptoms of migraines in your menstruation, to know what days they appear. In this way you know when you have to stop consuming sweets, alcohol, caffeine … In any case, we recommend you consult with your doctor about the most favorable diet that you can carry out to prevent or treat migraine in your case.

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