Irritated Armpits: The 7 Best Home Remedies

Underarm irritation is a very common symptom, usually caused by itching. This is characterized by an exasperating itch, almost always accompanied by redness of the skin, peeling and small inflamed pimples. Luckily, there are some home remedies for sore armpits.

Although it is not a serious condition, it is quite annoying and can sometimes be made worse by the infection of some bacteria. For this reason it is important to provide some type of treatment, with mild ingredients that help control discomfort.

This time we want to share 7 good remedies that, applied several times, can help to solve it. Take note!

1. Vitamin E oil among home remedies for irritated armpits

Vitamin is one of the home remedies for irritated armpits

Vitamin E oil is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant product that, after being absorbed into the skin, accelerates the repair process while providing a moisturizing effect. Its use on irritated armpits helps to control itching and, incidentally, calms the allergies that produce it.

How to use?

  • Break open a vitamin E capsule and apply the product to the areas you want to treat.
  • Massage with your fingertips and make sure it absorbs well.
  • Use it 2-3 times a day to control symptoms.

2. Oatmeal bags

Oatmeal bags have become very popular around the world because they are useful for removing dead cells. At the same time they  provide extra moisture and nutrients to the skin. This natural ingredient helps regulate skin pH and, incidentally, soothes itching and inflammation.

How to use them?

  • Fill a small cloth bag with oatmeal and, during the shower, use it to gently rub the irritated armpits.
  • Repeat its application every day.

    3. Soothe your irritated armpits with cold milk

    Cold milk to relieve irritated armpits

    The lactic acid in milk is helpful in balancing the natural pH of the skin and, incidentally, controlling irritation. These properties, added to its cooling effect, make it one of the home remedies for armpits that counteract the discomfort caused by itching.

    How to use it?

    • Put a little milk to cool and, when it is cold, rub it on the skin of the armpits with the help of a piece of cotton.
    • Repeat its use 2 or 3 times a day.

    4. Honey from bees

    A study by the Central Asian Journal of Global Health revealed honey is a powerful agent against skin disorders. Thus, the moisturizing and anti-inflammatory power of honey can be used as part of the treatment of skin irritations.

    Its active compounds minimize itching and redness. They also prevent the development of infections.

    How to use it?

    • Take a small amount of pure honey and rub it on the skin of the armpits.
    • Wait for it to act for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
    • Use it 2 times a day, until irritation is relieved.

    5. Lemon for irritated armpits

    Lemon is one of the home remedies for irritated armpits

    The application of lemon on the armpits not only prevents infections and irritation;  it also helps reduce dark spots and  prevents odors.

    How to use?

    • Cut a couple of lemon slices and rub them on the skin of the armpits for a couple of minutes.
    • Use it every day before going to bed.
    • Of course, you should be  careful about exposing your skin to the sun without protection, since lemon makes it susceptible to stains.

      6. Almond oil

      The fatty acids in almond oil have moisturizing and repairing effects. Thus, by being assimilated into the skin, they promote the activity of its cells.

      Its use on the armpits helps control inflammation and reduces annoying symptoms such as itching and burning.

      How to use?

      • Moisten a piece of cotton wool with almond oil and rub it on the affected areas with a light massage.
      • Let it absorb well and use it up to 2 times a day.

      7. Natural yogurt

      Natural yogurt, one of the home remedies for irritated armpits

      Among the home remedies for irritated armpits is natural yogurt. The natural probiotics it contains act against harmful bacteria, while regulating the pH to prevent infection. Its nutrients support the repair process of the affected skin and, at the same time, control irritation and redness.

      According to Dr. Whitney Bowe, a New York dermatologist who has published studies on the use of yogurt, yogurt is excellent for critical skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, and eczema. In addition, it fights wrinkles. This specialist recommends its external in addition to its consumption.

      How to use?

      • Take a tablespoon of plain yogurt and rub it on your armpits until it is completely absorbed.
      • Let it act for 20 minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
      • Repeat its application 2 times a day, until you notice an improvement in the affected skin.

      Do you notice your armpits red and irritated? Go ahead and prepare any of the mentioned remedies and discover how good they are to say goodbye to this problem. 

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