Incredible Uses For Some Fruit Peels: Find Out!

Normally, we associate the fruit peels to that part that we end up throwing in the organic garbage. They are almost never the object of our attention. It probably hasn’t even occurred to you to wonder what you could do with the pineapple rind, for example.

However, we know that apple skin is very nutritious. In fact, some people eat them. But, we rarely reuse the harder shells. So what to do with the orange or grapefruit peels? Today, in our space, we invite you to follow these practical and simple tips that will help you take advantage of this part of the fruit that you previously discarded. Take note.

1. Infusion of apple peel and pineapple with cinnamon, to lose weight

The infusion that is made from the peel of the apple and pineapple is an inexpensive, healthy and easy-to-prepare slimming remedy that you can drink 2 to 4 times a week. You should always take it in the morning, when you get up. To prepare it, follow these simple steps:


  • the skin of 1 apple
  • 100 g pineapple peel
  • 1 stick of cinnamon (3 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Wash the shells well while you put the water to heat.
  • Once it comes to a boil, add the fruit peels along with the cinnamon stick. That it may be easier, if desired, before you cut into smaller pieces peels pineapple and apple.
  • Allow them to infuse for 25 to 30 minutes. After that time, turn off the heat and let it rest for another 10 minutes.
  • Decant content and keep the water. You will see that it smells very good. Now you just have to sweeten with honey … And enjoy! It will help you purify the body.

2. Natural scrub based on banana peel and sugar


Along with sodium bicarbonate, lemon peel is a biodegradable, natural and inexpensive element that can become the best ally for maintaining cleanliness at home. Even after squeezed, the lemon is still very powerful. Hence, it is useful, then, to clean the oven or the aluminum faucet in the kitchen. Don’t throw it away!

It should be remembered, however, that lemon peel is not suitable for cleaning marble surfaces.

5. Dyeing for fabrics based on pomegranate rinds

If there is an attractive fruit for its color, that is the pomegranate. Its ability to leave its pigment in some materials means that we can reuse its shell once we have consumed the seeds.

  • It can be used, therefore, to decorate clothing items up to Easter eggs. To do this, we have to immerse the piece we want to dye in 1/2 liter of water together with the shell of 2 pomegranates.
  • We take it to the fire and we will let the water consume for half an hour or an hour, depending on the tone we want to obtain. If it were a piece of clothing, it is best to soak it in the same cooking liquid overnight.

We invite you to do it. You will love the result.

Now, you know: Fruit peels have many more properties than we think. Hence, there are so many applications as well.

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