Importance Of Going To The Specialist To Start With A Diet

Before starting with a diet, it is essential to visit the nutritionist to evaluate the state of health and lifestyle. Taking these aspects into account allows you to choose a balanced and safe diet.

Most people decide to start a diet without first consulting a specialist, thanks to the ease of accessing recommendations. It is true that many general tips can be useful, however, it is of great importance to evaluate each case, since the age, weight and state of health of the person must be considered.

Ignoring these aspects can cause counterproductive effects when modifying the diet. In fact, the reason many fail to improve their diet is because they do not take into account the way the body works.

Are you about to start a diet? If you haven’t considered visiting the doctor before doing so, discover several reasons why it is necessary.

Why is a medical consultation important before starting a diet?

Visiting a nutritionist periodically to design an appropriate diet is always advisable. This specialist can evaluate how the diet should be based on the requirements of each body.

As the Academy of Nutritionists and Dietitians explains, anyone can believe themselves to be a nutritionist, but only a certified nutritionist has completed multiple stages of education and passed rigorous exams.

The organism can be altered

Tired woman due to unhealthy diet.

Any change in diet can alter the body, especially when the diet is low in calories. As a result, some symptoms and health problems arise that reduce the quality of life:

  • Muscular fatigue.
  • Drowsiness and tiredness
  • Arterial hypotension
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Constipation and diarrhea.
  • Abdominal distention
  • Dizziness
  • Rebound effect.
  • Chronic diseases.

Nutritional deficiencies may exist

Nutritional deficiency

Commonly shared “miracle” diets almost always  produce nutritional deficiencies and health-threatening side effects. Nutritionists do not recommend these plans because they do not give good results in the medium and long term. From their professional point of view, they can recommend a balanced diet to achieve permanent and safe effects.

Keep in mind that proposing a diet that does not meet nutritional needs can condition the development of medium and long-term pathologies that worsen the body’s state of health. In this way chronic diseases are promoted.

Some diets cause eating disorders

Physicians and nutritionists always verify that their patients’ diets are balanced and complete. When a person follows an extreme diet they run the risk of falling into eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Therefore, to detect any irregularity in time, it is essential to have such professional supervision.

It should be remembered that the incidence and prevalence of this class of disorders has increased dramatically in recent years, as stated by research published in the journal Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care . Social pressure can be a trigger for the appearance of these pathologies, but also the approach of an inadequate diet.

Unwanted interactions can occur

Starting a diet without consulting a doctor increases the risk of problems due to unwanted interactions of some supplements or medications with food.

If there are pharmacological treatments involved, the doctor is the only one who can determine which foods are safe so that there is no side effect.

It is important to know the effects of the most common drugs and the possible interactions with food. For example, grapefruit juice has been shown to interact negatively with many pharmacy products, so its intake must be restricted under various medical treatments.

At the same time you have to know that there are nutrients that interact with each other. Sometimes positively like iron and vitamin C. Other times negatively, like the same mineral and phytates or oxalates.

The specialist provides nutrition education

Nutritional education.

The nutritionist, based on his knowledge, is able to provide nutritional education to avoid falling into wrong eating routines. By visiting him before starting a diet, he can explain in detail why it is advisable or not to do so. In addition, they are responsible for demonstrating that a healthy diet is not synonymous with starving or eating only vegetables.

Some protocols such as intermittent fasting have been shown to be effective in promoting weight loss without affecting stress or appetite levels.

In addition, the nutritionist can be a great emotional support to carry a diet because, in the first place, he gives us the confidence of knowing that we are taking the correct steps, under professional advice.

On the other hand, the nutritionist can properly report the progress and achievements of a diet, which is a great encouragement to continue.

Have a nutritionist to start a diet

Are you following a diet without the supervision of a professional? Careful! As safe as it may seem, it can cause unwanted consequences if it is not suitable for you.

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