I Adore People Who Earn A Piece Of My Heart Every Day

It is likely that, at some point, we have felt both blessed and grateful for the people who are part of our lives. We may also have thought “I adore people who earn a piece of my heart every day and care to keep it”.

It is not easy to find good friends, good people who are truly significant in our lives and who are capable of winning our hearts.

People need adequate personal and social ties on a day-to-day basis to advance safely and enrich ourselves with other ideas and other affections.

We also need to feel recognized and, in turn, offer reciprocity to build a happy, authentic life. Therefore, below we will reflect on those significant relationships that contribute to well-being in many ways.

How to recognize positive relationships?

On a day-to-day basis, we move in different contexts and settings that give us the opportunity to meet new people. There are times when we have to apply “a certain filter” to avoid reinforcing a certain type of people who, far from doing us good, limit our personal growth.

How to recognize positive people?

The goal is to learn to live together and respect each other, despite the differences. And that is something that we also have to apply with family members, those with whom we share a blood bond, but with whom we do not get along very well.

Maintaining healthy relationships is beneficial, both physically and emotionally, and even contributes to personal growth and balance. In order not to miss them and take advantage of their contributions, it is necessary to know how to identify the 4 pillars that build these links.

1. Build a healthy attachment

A healthy bond or attachment is one that allows us to be ourselves and, in turn, have a respectful relationship. It is important to know how to differentiate those types of attachments that we build both with friends and with partners or family:

  • Attachment based on trust.  It is the healthiest and most recommended bond. Here no one mistrusts anyone, we do not fear being betrayed or develop jealousy.
    • We can dialogue with respect, we listen to each other and we are capable of building common spaces where everyone wins and no one loses.
  • Anxious relationships.  We are facing the most harmful and dangerous type of attachment. They are those relationships where fear and “self-need” are always latent. This study carried out by the San Buenaventura University defines them as “toxic relationships”.
    • There is fear of being abandoned. As a result, you need constant attention and continuous recognition from others.
    • We come to control others to the point of invading their personal spaces, limiting the basic rights and freedoms of the person.
  • Distant attachment  It would be the opposite pole of these dimensions. In this case there is indifference, there is no friction or concern for the other person.
    • It is a painful coldness that causes great suffering, especially at the emotional level.

2. Reciprocity is key

People have essential needs. Keep in mind that maintaining a relationship is not based on giving everything for nothing.

  • People need to be respected and valued.
  • We need reciprocity.
  • It is important to have people you can trust.
  • We must be ourselves and not feel judged or sanctioned.
  • We need people who contribute to us, who give us affection; knowledge; new insights; new learning situations …

    3. Ability to know how to repair and help us move forward

    Consider, for example, relationships. They are links in which, every day, we must build, negotiate, reach agreements and provide mutual support.

    • In all relationships there are “potholes”, moments of personal difficulty where having someone who knows how to repair instead of putting up walls is essential.
    • There are those who do not know how to give in, understand or show adequate empathy. These people do not have adequate heart wisdom that builds positive relationships.
    • To move forward, people need to know how to take mistakes, understand them and then integrate them to obtain learning. The same thing happens at the level of relationships.

    Any difficulty or misunderstanding is an opportunity for understanding, sincere affection and the will to repair, which are what build an authentic relationship.

    Girl hugging her partner in the kitchen.

    4. Authenticity in positive relationships

    Authentic people are those we treasure the most in our hearts. They usually have the following characteristics:

    • They know how to respect personal spaces and they know how to build common spaces.
    • Authentic people do not lie or pretend what they are not. They will always be honest with us and show a very close empathy.
    • They are people who know themselves. They do not have deficiencies that wait to be solved or attended by second people. That is, they are mature personalities who have integrated their past and who see the present with freedom and enthusiasm.

    Healthy bonds take care of my heart

    After having reviewed all this, we can affirm that the people who live in our hearts are gifts that we must appreciate, thank, care for and preserve. Simply because they are healthy and positive bonds that make life look beautiful and rewarding.

    Have you ever thought: “in my heart I treasure authentic people, those who light a spark in my days and make me feel better”?

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