Hydrotherapy For Babies: Discover Its Advantages

Hydrotherapy for babies is one of the resources that is attracting the most attention to support the development process of the little ones. Although some parents fear that children will come into contact with water so early, it is actually a practice with multiple benefits.

In the first months of life, children have more facilities to adapt to water, since they come from being in a liquid environment in the womb. In addition, they do not have the fears that they acquire in later years, since stimulation strengthens their self-confidence.

Why has this tool become so popular? What are its advantages? We know that many parents do not know her yet. For this reason, below, we want to tell in detail what it is about and how it affects the strengthening of babies’ skills.

What is hydrotherapy for babies?

Baby in the water

Some parents confuse baby hydrotherapy with swimming lessons and it is a mistake. Although the child comes into direct contact with the water, it is not training for him to learn to swim. Rather, it is a technique with which he manages to function better in an aquatic environment.

The funny thing about these activities is that they are useful to support the physical, psychomotor and social development of babies. In addition, it prevents them from developing a fear of water in the future, as they adapt easily and learn to relate it to fun. Among other things, it is suitable for promoting a bond of love and trust between parents and children, since it is an experience that both can enjoy together.

When can hydrotherapy be started for babies?

One of the characteristics of hydrotherapy for babies is that it can be carried out with newborns and up to four years of age. However, its application is not recommended in children under four months, since at that age they have not yet strengthened their immune functions.

Therefore, starting it at six weeks or earlier increases the susceptibility to infection or illness. On the other hand, from four months onwards, he already begins to have the capacity to fully enjoy this activity.

It is considered to be playful until the age of four, since until that age children do not develop the necessary skills to fend for themselves in the water. Therefore, it is essential that they are accompanied at all times by an adult who can supervise and avoid hazards.

Advantages of hydrotherapy for babies

Exercises performed in water are always beneficial for human health. For this reason, hydrotherapy for babies is positioned as one of the best tools to support the physical and mental training of little ones. What advantages does it offer?

Supports physical development

Baby hydrotherapy

Because it is a physical activity, babies develop body muscles and various physical abilities early on. In addition, a significant evolution of their psychomotor ability is noted when coordinating their movements.

Promotes socialization

It is very important that babies learn to adapt to social environments from a very young age. The good thing about hydrotherapy is that it facilitates their socialization, since they must share the pool with other children and older people.

Good for brain development

The practice of hydrotherapy for babies helps the development of sensitivity and creativity. This is because it helps the child to be more observant with the world around him, which strengthens the part of the brain that is responsible for the creative and artistic aspect.

Promotes relaxation

Drink pool water

One of the most notable benefits of this resource is that it promotes relaxation in children. They feel very comfortable in the water and there they manage to release nervous tension or stress.

Develops lung capacity

Direct contact with water has benefits on babies’ lung capacity. This is produced by the pressure that the water exerts on your rib cage, increasing your respiratory resistance. In turn, it helps eliminate mucus and increases defenses.

Boost the sense of survival

As we have mentioned, being in an aquatic environment allows to promote the self-confidence of the baby so that he can overcome his fears. In addition, this teaches you to defend yourself in the environment  and helps you do what it takes to achieve your goals.

Promote recreation and fun

Hydrotherapy for babies is a perfect excuse for children to learn to connect water with fun. Both parents and children can share and live pleasant experiences, since there are dozens of activities to enjoy the water.

In summary, hydrotherapy groups interesting activities to promote the integral development of babies up to their four years of age. In addition, it is ideal to strengthen the family bond and self-esteem. Enjoy it with your child!

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