How To Understand If I Am Ready To Have A Baby

Many women wonder if we are really ready to be mothers. Knowing it is not easy, is it?

Have you talked to your partner about the possibility of being parents and are you haunted by doubt? Would you like to know if you are ready to have a baby? The reality is that the answer to that question is within you. Nobody better than you can answer it.

However, we can try to help you find the true answer to your question! Read on to discover the signs that you are ready to seek pregnancy.

Ready to have a baby … or not?

As we already anticipated, there is no exact science that can assure you of an answer. Having a baby is a totally personal decision! Despite this, there are some signs that can help you assess whether or not you are ready to embark on this adventure. Do we discover them together?

1. You want to have a baby

Pregnant woman.

The first step to knowing if you are ready to have a baby is to think about whether you really want it! It seems like a no-brainer but it isn’t. Do you want to be a mother? Are you willing to put some things aside (like sleeping 8 hours straight) for your baby?

Having a child is wonderful and at the same time, a huge responsibility. Evaluate if you really want it, if it is a wish of your partner or if you simply feel that “you miss the rice.” Do you see a baby and feel a warm sensation that floods your body and makes you smile? When a friend tells you that she is going to be a mother, are you happy for her but at the same time you feel a pang of envy? If your answers are positive, you seem ready to have a baby.

2. You are willing to adapt your life to your child

Pregnant girl chopping carrot

Yes, as you read. The life of a mother changes radically.  Women who smoke should stop smoking for the sake of the baby, and you should also know that alcohol is not compatible with a healthy pregnancy. Also, at least for the first time, you will have to give up partying and your life will be filled with diapers … but also with smiles, gurgling and a love that you have never felt before.

Being a mother does not mean giving up your life and the pleasures of it. However, it is true that your life will change and it will no longer be the one you know. Are you willing to modify your life to respond to the needs of your little one? Would it cost you to give up the pleasures you have today (drinking, smoking, going out late …) in exchange for having a child? Think about it.

3. You have economic stability

Another point to take into account to know if you are ready to have a baby is to consider if you and your partner have financial stability. Do you have permanent or temporary jobs? It is important that you take into consideration that looking for a child will increase the expenses of the couple. You will have to buy a crib, clothes, diapers, a stroller and many other things. Can you afford the expenses?

4. You are emotionally stable

There is nothing more destabilizing than being a mother. It is a difficult feeling to explain that encompasses immense love, enormous fatigue and an inexplicable fear of being wrong. Are you an emotionally stable person who knows how to face challenges calmly? Do you know how to manage your emotions?

5. Your partner wants a baby too

Pregnant couple with a teddy bear and baby shoes.

If you are in a relationship, remember that being parents is a decision of two. Do not rush your partner, each person has their times. Talk and without pressure, share what you feel and what happens to you. A child is a decision of the couple and for life.

6. You have a tribe

The concept of tribe refers to emotional support and daily help. A tribe accompanies, helps, raises the mother when she needs it. Your mother, your mother-in-law, your sisters-in-law and your friends play an important role in your life. In the age of technology, there are also online communities of mothers who share experiences, doubts and fears.

All those women, those of flesh and blood who are by your side and those who will accompany you through a screen will be your support, your containment beyond your partner.  It will be those women who will listen and understand you when you need to do catharsis.

Now that you have read the signs that could make you notice that you are ready, what do you think? Are you ready to have a baby? If so, good luck searching!

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