How To Stay Hydrated All Day

There are many signs that indicate a lack of body hydration. Dark color in urine after the early hours of the day is one of these indications.

When we think of a hydrated body, we automatically imagine that we have to drink a lot of water. However, there are other drinks that fulfill this function, as well as foods that contain liquid in their composition.

Learn more about how to stay hydrated all day in this article and set aside some taboos about it.

Questions and Answers About Staying Hydrated

Why do we need to keep our body hydrated?

The body depends on water to survive, that is the first reason. The body is made up of a large percentage of fluid, which allows the organs to work properly and the cells to live.

But in addition, tissues and muscles need water. It lubricates the joints, removes waste products, and maintains body temperature.

How do we lose liquid?

When going to the bathroom, when doing sports, when sleeping, when it is very hot, when having a fever, when vomiting and even when breathing. That is why it is vital to replace the fluids that we lose throughout the day and our activities.

zsoltika water

When we get up in the morning, the tone is quite dark. That is the only time of day where we can accept that color. Then, throughout the day, it must be clarified.

It is said that the signal “you have already filled your daily ration” is when the urine is transparent. That means you have completely cleansed your kidneys.

In winter it is also necessary to drink water

Many people remember to drink only when it is hot and that is a very serious mistake; Although the body can eliminate more fluid in summer, during the cold months it needs it to fulfill its vital functions.

  • You already know, two liters at least 365 days a year.

Drink water when you are hungry

Sometimes we confuse the feeling of hunger with that of thirst. This error is frequent because thirst is also a type of hunger, although it may sound complicated.

This will help you not only to hydrate but also not to overeat, because your stomach will be full of water for a while and will not require food.

What foods have a lot of water?

In addition to drinking tap or bottled water, you can consume other liquids to avoid dehydration in different presentations.

Without a doubt, excellent news for those who are not very fond of water or are easily bored and want something with more flavor.


It is the food with the most amount of water in its composition and also, its caloric intake is very low.

  • As if this were not enough, this XL fruit offers vitamin C, beta-carotene (which gives it its red color inside), potassium, lycopene, potassium, folic acid and magnesium.
  • It quenches thirst and has good properties to purify the body.


The pulp of this vegetable concentrates a good amount of water, as well as vitamins C and E.

  • Its natural oils have the ability to quench thirst, and can be found anywhere.
  • The seeds act as a good diuretic and if used externally, it improves and softens the skin.

Lettuce cannot be missing in summer salads. It gives a feeling of satiety and at the same time quenches our thirst.

  • It does not increase the amount of calories in our diet and it provides us with vitamins, minerals and fiber.


This delicious fruit has 93% water and an abundance of lycopene, a substance that has antioxidant capacity.

  • It can be consumed in many ways but to take advantage of its properties and not take away its hydration, it is best to eat it raw.

Staying hydrated is very simple and with it you help many organs of the body to carry out their tasks normally. Do not forget to load your water bottle to put reminders for its consumption.

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