How To Prevent Parkinson’s Disease

There is no doubt that Parkinson’s disease is one of the most studied disorders in recent years. Although there is no cure yet, many of the symptoms can be alleviated with proper treatment. But what if there were means to prevent it? Would you like to know them? In this article I will be proposing some measures that can prevent Parkinson’s disease.

What is Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is caused by irreversible damage to nerve cells located in the brain. These neurons suffer from insufficient production of dopamine, a chemical vitally important for the control of muscle movement, balance and coordination. This chronic neurodegenerative disorder was first described by the British physician James Parkinson in 1817. It affects both men and women, being the most common disorder after Alzheimer’s disease. The risk of suffering from this disease increases after the age of 60, however it can also appear in young people. Some of the most frequent symptoms are: 

  • Trembling at rest
  • Slow movements
  • Difficulty eating, writing, as well as other precise movements
  • Difficulty starting movement, such as starting to walk or standing from a chair
  • Muscular stiffness
  • Instability
  • Alteration of body posture  and gait, especially in stressful situations.
  • Involuntary rubbing of the thumb and other fingers of the hand

There are 5 stages of the disease, from 1 (mild) to 5 (severe). Some studies indicate its appearance may be determined by hereditary factors, but the majority of cases do not present a family history of affectations. Other elements such as accelerated aging, environmental toxins, and unhealthy habits are thought to trigger Parkinson’s.

What do you think then if we make some changes in our lives to prevent the appearance of this disease? Well then I propose some

Lifestyle changes that could prevent Parkinson’s disease

  • Green tea consumption:

Green tea (2)

During the process of obtaining this tea, the leaves do not undergo fermentation by which they keep their properties almost intact. Different studies indicate that the polyphenols in green tea protect dopamine-producing neurons and that it can reduce the rate of cell death. To consume this delicious tea!

  • Avoid contact with toxic substances

It is speculated that the disease can be acquired through access to water contaminated with chemicals and certain pesticides. Either way, these substances are always harmful to health. We recommend the use of means of protection when handling them.

  • Foods rich in vitamin E and C:


Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect brain cells. Fats of vegetable origin are rich in this vitamin such as wheat germ oil, olive oil or sunflower oil. Other foods very rich in this vitamin are sunflower seeds, hazelnuts and almonds . Vitamin C, for its part, prevents premature aging and prevents the appearance of degenerative diseases. You can get it by consuming citrus fruits, guava, and green leafy vegetables like spinach.

  • Drink coffee

Initial research has shown that drinking coffee may prevent the development of Parkinson’s disease as caffeine raises dopamine levels in the brain.

  • Avoid stress

According to specialists, Parkinson’s patients have shown an increase in symptoms in situations of stress and anxiety. Taking into account that the disease attacks the nervous system, it is very likely that a difficult environment will trigger it. Try to relax, practice yoga and meditation and enjoy the trip to prevent Parkinson’s disease.

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