How To Prepare A Natural Parsley Soap To Reduce Facial Blemishes

According to FEN experts, fresh parsley has many more properties and flavor than dry. In fact, it easily loses its properties. Therefore, it is recommended if you have fresh parsley.

When it comes to matching the skin tone and removing spots or freckles, it is best to consult a dermatologist, since the professional is the one who can best determine what is most appropriate for each case. Additionally, there are those who consider the use of certain elements, such as natural parsley soap.

Below we will discuss the recipe for this supplement that is proposed for skin care and other interesting aspects around it.

Of course, first of all, keep in mind that you should always follow the dermatologist’s instructions. Along with this, you must maintain good lifestyle habits. To have healthy skin, you should not rely solely on the application of a specific remedy or product.

More about natural parsley soap

Parsley can be an ingredient to make healthy juices.

Natural parsley soap is a product that combines the properties of this common herb with other healthy ingredients.

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), parsley is a source of protein, fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A, thiamine folates, flavonoids, myristicin and apiol. Therefore, there are those who consider that it may have good potential as a skin care product. 

It is believed that it can help to deep clean pores, remove dead skin and, in turn, reduce blemishes. It is also believed that due to its flavonoid and vitamin C content, it could promote the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential for skin health.

Natural parsley soap recipe

Natural parsley soap

Parsley soap is made from the combination of this vegetable with healthy ingredients for the skin such as: oats, green tea, milk and honey.

This mixture is believed to have lightening, exfoliating and restorative properties. Therefore, when used on a regular basis, it could help improve the appearance of the skin, in particular by reducing impurities and even out skin tone.


  • 2 tablespoons of powdered milk (20 g)
  • ½ cup of parsley infusion (125 ml)
  • ½ cup of green tea infusion (125 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (20 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of glycerin soap (60 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of organic honey (50 g)


  • Use two or three tablespoons of the plants to prepare infusions, with half a cup of water each.
  • Once they are warm or at a suitable temperature, add the powdered milk, oatmeal and tablespoons of honey.
  • Then, mix everything with the help of a wooden utensil and stir until you get a homogeneous paste.
  • Also, take the glycerin soap and put it to melt in a water bath.
  • When it’s liquid, turn off the heat and mix it with the other ingredients until cool.
  • Transfer the product to the molds you want and let it rest for 2 or 3 hours to solidify.

Application mode

Woman washing her face in the sink

  • Since it is a homemade soap, it should not be soaked in water because it loses its consistency more easily.
  • Instead, moisten your hands and rub it into a lather.
  • Make sure your skin is makeup free.
  • Rub the product on the stained areas of the face and let it act for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water and use it at least 4 times a week.
  • It complements its application with the daily use of a moisturizer and sunscreen.

Before use, consult a dermatologist

Although it is said that this simple homemade soap can contribute to the health of the skin, it is best to consult with the dermatologist before starting to apply it, since the professional can determine with greater precision what is the most suitable for the skin.

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