How To Make Rose Petal Jam

Rose petal jam? You may have been surprised by reading the title of this article. You should know that most roses are edible  and. they are not the only ones. The flowers can be used to add a delicious and exotic flavor to all kinds of dishes. However, the flavor of roses is distinctive and immediately recognizable.

Rose petals, like other flowers, are part of modern and contemporary cuisine. They have even become one more ingredient. Edible flowers give us things like:

  • Colour.
  • Aromas
  • Textures
  • Taste.
  • Original plating.

If you use them imaginatively and you look for new ways to present your dishes, you can surprise your diners. It is important to know which ones can be eaten and the part of each that is edible. In addition, it must be borne in mind that they cannot be bought in florists, due to the chemical products they can carry.

rose petal jam

Rose Petal Jam Recipe

However, we assure you that trying a single spoonful of this sweet will fill your palate with emotions and sensations. It is ideal, for example, for our desserts or to spread small crunchy cookies. Small bites of intense flavor where the sweet has slightly irresistible acid tones. We will tell you how to make this exquisite rose petal jam, which is a tribute to imagination and flavor.


  • 250 g of red rose petals.
  • 250 g of sugar.
  • One lemon’s juice.
  • 3 tablespoons of water.
  • 3 tablespoons of rose water.

One important thing is that the roses that we are going to use in the preparation of the rose petal jam are flowers grown without any type of chemical product. Once this point is clarified, the first thing we will do is strip the roses, selecting the best petals for our jam.

We will especially remove the white part of the rose petals, since this area has a bitter taste that can spoil the final cooking result. Next, we will wash them with cold water to remove any impurities, or any foreign element. In addition, in this way they do not lose their aroma or flavor.

The next step is to dry the petals. Then, you place them in a rather wide bowl and add  the juice of a lemon. Try to squeeze them, and soak them well. Let it rest for an hour.



We must place a pot on the fire in which you will put: the sugar, 3 tablespoons of water and 3 of rose water.

Finally, add the lemon-soaked roses, continuing to stir, until it comes to a boil. When it boils, lower the heat to a minimum and simmer for half an hour.

Allow it to return to a boil at least three times. In this way, it caramelizes much better and little by little. Once it has acquired a caramel texture, turn off the heat and let it rest for about 20 minutes.


After the rest time, distribute the jam in the glass jars you have chosen. Before pouring the jam, you must make sure that the jar is not only clean, but also sterilized.

To sterilize the jars, you must put them in a pot to boil for half an hour. To remove the jars and lids from the pot, we recommend using metal tongs.

The ideal glass jars for preserving jams should be not very large, and preferably low, so that they are more easily sterilized. On the other hand, you should know that it is advisable to renew the metal lids in each new preserve, since it is not recommended to reuse them after a sterilization and conservation process.

rose petal jam

And what does rose petal jam go well with? This jam is a tribute to the culinary imagination. There are those who come to combine it with meats, who prefer it with a simple toast with cheese, or even to decorate delicious cakes.

The cooks comment that a rose petal tart with pistachio pieces is a real delicacy that we should all try. You dare?

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