How To Make Fig Jam: Step By Step Recipe

Apricot, peach and strawberry occupy the podium of the most consumed jams in many houses. However, there are other delicious options such as fig jam.

A very sweet and delicate fruit with which an ideal jam is obtained to combine with sweet and savory ingredients. In the following space we offer you two alternatives so that you are encouraged to cook and taste it.

Homemade fig jam

Preparing jams has always been a good culinary resource to take advantage of all that fruit that is in large quantity or that is about to go bad.  

In the case of figs, it is of special interest, since it is a fruit that has a short season and is difficult to preserve. In addition, it is a delicious and nutrient-packed delicacy.

It is not necessary to be a great chef to prepare it, since it is very simple, easy to follow and in an hour of dedication you get a spectacular result. Thus, you will have enough fig jam to enjoy it for a good season.

Homemade fig jam

Homemade fig jam recipe

This is the traditional preparation of any jam, combining fruit and sugar. This last ingredient is in less quantity since figs are usually quite sweet.


  • 1 kilo of fresh ripe figs.
  • 400 grams of sugar (you can use 200 grams of white sugar and 200 of brown).
  • The juice of a lemon.

Note: these amounts are enough to fill 3 or 4 medium-size glass jars.

How to prepare homemade fig jam

  • Gently wipe the fruit with a little kitchen paper or a soft cloth. Then, remove the top stem and peel the figs. If they are very ripe and it is not possible, nothing happens, since it does not spoil the final result of the recipe.  
  • Next, cut into quarters and add to a saucepan. Add the lemon juice and sugar.
  • Mix well and turn the heat to medium-high. When it starts to boil, lower the heat and cook for about 30 minutes. Stir occasionally to break up the larger pieces.
  • It is necessary to check the cooking, because the more ripe the fruit is, the less time it takes.  
  • The final texture depends on the taste of each one. If you prefer it finer, you can go through the blender before packaging.  
  • Take the sterilized jars and lids. Fill them with the preparation still hot.
  • Poe last, cover tightly and leave upside down for a few hours. In this way, they last for several months at room temperature.  

Fig and apple jam recipe

This fig and apple jam has a special touch of cinnamon that makes it a perfect accompaniment to meat and other dishes.


  • 1 kilo of fresh figs.
  • 2 pippin apples.  
  • 500 grams of muscovado sugar.
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 cinnamon sticks

    Presentation suggestion: raisin toast and some fresh mint leaves for garnish.  

    How to prepare the jam

    • To start, clean the figs, cut them into 4 parts and put them in a bowl. Add the sugar and lemon juice, and let it marinate for about 3 hours.  
    • Put a saucepan on the fire and cook everything together for about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent the fruit from sticking.  
    • Later, wash and peel the apples. Chop them up and add them to the pot. Add the cinnamon sticks and cook everything together for another 30 minutes.  
    • After this time, you are ready. If you want a finer texture, you can pass the whole through the mill.  
    • To pack the jam, follow the same steps as in the previous recipe.

    As it is a fairly sweet fruit on its own, figs are ideal for cooking homemade sugar-free jams. You just have to take into account that its subsequent conservation time is less.

    Fig and apple jam recipe

    1. Do not forget to visit: Fig and mascarpone cake

    Tips for preparing and tasting homemade fig jam

    The quality and the final result of a good recipe always depends on the raw material. It is recommended to choose the fruit in its season, since in this way its flavor and aroma are optimal. In addition, it maintains all its properties and qualities.  

    To get the best figs, keep in mind that these cannot be green, since they are not so sweet and tasty. Likewise, it is advisable that the texture is firm and the corner is tight. They need to be cooked early as they ripen quickly and can easily spoil.  

    The most suitable containers to pack the jam, once prepared, are the glass ones. They can be sterilized in the dishwasher or boiled for about 10-15 minutes.  

    Like all jams, it is appropriate to eat spread on a slice of bread. It can also be used in the preparation of some desserts and to accompany a yogurt or muesli . However, its strong point is the good combination with salty ingredients; for example, it can be used to make sauces or accompany cheese and ham.

    The fig season is relatively short and is concentrated, above all, between late summer and early autumn. Fortunately, this jam can be prepared in larger quantities, as it keeps well for a long time in airtight jars. With this, you will have an ideal product to consume all year round, according to your preferences.

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