How To Help Your Child Fight School Fatigue?

School fatigue is a very common disorder in children. It consists of the exhaustion and fatigue that students feel due to the tasks and assignments of the school. This has different causes, such as sleep, boredom, physical exhaustion or harassment, among others.

This anomaly is often responsible for children not having an effective performance in school. It prevents them from concentrating, paying attention or understanding on a certain topic. Likewise, school fatigue can be linked to other phenomena such as depression or anxiety.

So it is a problem that is spreading to many families today. Daily dynamics and daily life can be very demanding. If we add to that the pressure that is sometimes exerted on children from school, the conditions are in place for this and other childhood disorders to appear.

Why is it important to fight school fatigue?

Homework in children

School fatigue could be a serious problem. A fatigued child is a child who will not do well in school. Frustration is another feeling that could affect your little one’s academic performance.

Sometimes the reasons for school fatigue are often not just school related. Family conflicts can also make a child feel unstimulated about learning and studying. In many cases, the little ones bring the problems their parents have at home to the classroom.

What to do when faced with school fatigue?

There are many steps you can take to deal with school fatigue. All with the clear purpose of helping your child, contribute to their training and guarantee optimal learning. After all, your studies are your passport to success in life. There’s no doubt.

Beyond this, as a parent, it is vital to always keep in mind that you cannot avoid or ignore the problem. You must inform yourself and be interested in the experiences that your child lives at school. It can be a somewhat difficult disorder to identify at first. However, if you think your child is going through an episode of school fatigue, here we show you how to help him fight this condition.

Seek the rest of your child

Rest is an important part of your child’s development and his school stage. The hours of rest and sleep that your child has will be decisive for their performance in school, as evidenced by this study published in the Chilean Journal of Pediatrics . Not sleeping well, for example, is detrimental to your little one’s learning, concentration and well-being at school.

Specialists recommend that school-age children sleep at least 8-10 hours a day. Try that the little one rests between the different activities that he does during the day. Rest is very important for every human being.

In fact, an optimal rest will be very positive for your little one’s academic performance. And it is a vital palliative against school fatigue. In contrast, a tired child will not perform in any activity and may develop sleep disorders or insomnia.

Stimulates their learning in a healthy way

Effective learning is extremely important to your little one. However, you must stimulate it in a healthy way and not overload the child with knowledge or tasks. Also, don’t make his teaching process traumatic for him. Make sure he learns according to his age.

At the same time, make sure that the knowledge taught in school is going in the right direction. Your child doesn’t have to feel frustrated or bad if he doesn’t understand something the first time.

Similarly, for your little one, learning should not be an exhausting process. The teaching methods and pedagogy used by teachers must also be optimal. In turn, positive reinforcement will also be key in their education.

Watch over your health and care

Your child’s learning processes must be supported by their good health and care, in such a way that it is essential that you take care of very relevant aspects, such as their diet and hygiene. Visit the doctor whenever you get the chance. Make sure that school fatigue is not linked to a health problem in your child.

If the little one is not healthy or has some pathology, the ideal is that you try to reverse this situation. It can also happen that the school rhythm is making the little one sick. In that case, you need to act fast and keep in mind that your good health is your best rating.

Motivate him to keep going

Motivation and encouragement are very useful to fight school fatigue that your child could suffer. The child should feel that you support and support him in his time at school. Try to motivate him to learn as much as possible and instill in him the relevance of knowledge and study for his future.

Reward him when you feel like he’s doing great in school. Or, better yet, when he completes a task assigned by the teacher. In short, try to make your child feel that even you are interested in him continuing with his school preparation.

Communicate with the teachers

Who better than the teacher to keep you up to date on what is happening with your child at school? Good communication with your child’s teachers will be key to understanding their performance at school, since, as this article published in the Revista de Sociología de la Educación-RASE points out , this relationship provides enormous benefits in terms of the education of children. the students are concerned.

This is crucial to know and find the solution to any problem that your child is facing in the classroom. At the same time, we suggest you have excellent communication with your child. Try to be in contact with him, exchange and discuss ideas about his feelings and concerns and, above all, about his day to day at school.

School fatigue can be prevented

In short, school fatigue is a disorder that can cause some problems for your child. Your little one’s learning and teaching could be hampered. Therefore, make  sure that your child feels well within his academic environment, that he has the necessary rest and that his health is in optimal condition.

Likewise, it is essential to motivate the little one to keep going at all times. It doesn’t matter if his grades are not the best: you can encourage him to improve every day. You can help him make a healthy effort and make his time at school a positive experience, since he has the ability.

Finally, you must get involved with your child’s school. Meet and interact with their teachers. Get closer to your colleagues and friends. Also make sure that in that space your child is not the victim of other problems, such as bullying  or perhaps school.

Likewise, it is important that you try, as far as possible, to make your home harmonious and not to involve your child in conflicts with your partner, if you do.

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