How To Combat Gastritis With 7 Natural Remedies

If we are following any medical treatment for gastritis, we should consult a specialist before abandoning it or combining it with these natural options.

Gastritis is a digestive problem that occurs when the stomach lining becomes irritated due to the excessive production of gastric juices. The main symptom is an uncomfortable burning sensation in the belly, almost always accompanied by pain. Thus, finding remedies to combat gastritis is essential for people who suffer from it.

Although it can be sporadic in nature, in many cases it becomes a recurrent disorder that, if not treated, causes other complications. In fact, it is a common condition in the population, generally caused by poor eating habits, but also by infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacteria .

Natural remedies to combat gastritis

Once the doctor has prescribed a treatment for gastritis, it is important that the patient tries to adopt and maintain good lifestyle habits. Above all, when it comes to food. Otherwise, there is hardly any real improvement.

The following natural remedies to combat gastritis are proposed as a complement to these healthy habits and the treatment prescribed by the doctor. In no case do they replace it, much less help to “cure” the disease on their own.

1. Coconut water

Glass of green coconut water with lemon.

Known for being a drink high in essential nutrients, coconut water is a healthy option to deal with this digestive problem, according to popular wisdom.

In fact, it is used for excess acidity and, since it is a hydrating drink, it serves as a support to achieve daily hydration. It also helps to combat dehydration.

2. Natural yogurt

The probiotics contained in natural yogurt are good allies for the health of the intestinal microbiota. In fact, these probiotics can regulate the pH of the gastrointestinal tract and, incidentally, strengthen the layer that protects the stomach from excess acidity.

3. Rice milk

Rice milk is a plant drink that has become popular around the world as an ideal remedy for diarrhea and skin problems.

It contains minerals, in addition to antioxidants and fibers, which help regulate digestive pH to avoid excess acidity and gastritis. In this sense, the intake reduces the burning sensation in the abdomen and effectively fights inflammation.

4. Potato juice

Peeled potatoes for cooking.

According to beliefs, natural potato juice is an antacid remedy that helps regulate the pH of the stomach to control burning and pain caused by gastritis.

In fact, the properties attributed to it can reduce excessive gas production and, incidentally, reduce the level of inflammation associated with this condition.

5. Strawberries

Strawberries contain phenolic compounds that may help reduce inflammation of the stomach lining to cope with the symptoms of gastritis. On the other hand, its antioxidants fight the negative action of free radicals and, in turn, support the regeneration of the mucous membrane.

6. Organic honey

In the popular realm, honey is considered a natural antacid that can help repair the stomach lining to prevent ulcers and gastritis.

Natural sugars are a source of fuel for the body and, since they are easily metabolized, they are not usually a health problem. In addition, it contains minerals, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that are decisive in the control of abdominal pain and irritation.

Read: 9 things that will happen when you start eating honey every day

7. Aloe vera

Aloe vera and cucumber smoothie

Aloe vera is a natural remedy to which antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties are attributed, therefore, there are those who consider that it can be useful to relieve gastritis. However, before including it in any way in the diet, it is essential to consult with the doctor. It should never be consumed without your authorization, since adverse reactions could occur.

What about medical treatment?

None of the aforementioned remedies are substitutes for doctor-prescribed treatment for gastritis. They are simply supplements for the diet that could contribute – in a specific way – with the relief of some discomforts, as long as the doctor authorizes it.

Therefore, whenever you go to a natural remedy, check with your doctor to make sure that it is suitable for you and how you should take advantage of it (once a day, once a week, etc.). Remember, you are the first responsible for your health.

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