How To Avoid Travel Sickness

Travel sickness is very common. However, there are some tips and tricks you can use to avoid them.

Travel sickness is very common. The official name of this condition is motion sickness or motion sickness, and it can be really annoying

They occur as a result of movement in a means of transport, or because they are not used to traveling constantly.

Here are some very simple tricks to avoid this type of dizziness on a trip and thus be able to enjoy the road more.

Causes and symptoms of travel sickness

Most common symptoms of motion sickness:

  • You feel nauseous.
  • Upset stomach sensation.
  • She is dazed and unbalanced.
  • Cannot coordinate movements.
  • The feeling that the head is ‘spinning’.
  • Your head hurts or you can’t open your eyes because doing so makes the sensation worse (or vice versa).

The cause of dizziness is mainly the movement of the vehicle you are in, which can be a:

  • Train.
  • Boat.
  • Airplane.
  • Car.
  • Bus.

child with dizziness and vomiting

This causes the liquids that lodge inside the ears to transmit erroneous information to the brain. Roller coasters produce similar effects, and even a simple change in body posture, such as getting out of bed quickly.

Another common cause of dizziness is lack of coordination between sight and brain due to movement. This occurs when we try to read on the bus or watch a movie on a boat.

Tips to avoid dizziness while traveling

Without a doubt, dizziness is very unpleasant and does not allow you to enjoy the trip.  There are some people who even prefer to stay at home rather than face this situation. However, it is possible to control dizziness and even prevent it from appearing.

The following tips will help you avoid or make the trip more bearable if you tend to get seasick frequently.

Pay attention to what you eat

Large meals or processed foods can make you more dizzy during a trip. The nausea you feel could make  the condition more serious or even unbearable.

  • Do not drink alcohol before or during the trip because it increases the chances of you getting dizzy, as do stimulants and tobacco.
  • A good idea is to chew gum to increase the amount of saliva.  By swallowing it, you stimulate gastric movements in the stomach and reduce the urge to vomit.
  • It is also not advisable to travel on an empty stomach, because this could lead to heartburn.

Try to avoid movement

If you move a lot, you will make the situation worse. Do not get up from your seat all the time, better stay seated and calm or try to sleep.

  • Choose the front seat of the car and don’t look to the side.  The view has less ability to coordinate when multiple objects are moving around it.
  • Also do not make sudden movements, because the fluid in the ears will change position faster and you will feel worse.

    You should not read if you want to avoid dizziness on a trip

    You better put aside the idea of ​​reading while traveling. If you do, the book must be supported on your legs, so that you can look down. The idea is that there is no option for the side view to capture the outside movements.

    Focus on a specific point inside the transport

    The first thing to do when you start to get dizzy is to look away from the window or outside. Look at a specific point within the means of transport. The mind and sight will be coordinated and you will avoid feeling worse.

    Don’t bundle up too much

    The feeling of heat (which can also be obtained with very high heating) will increase the chances that you will feel dizzy or vomit.

    Wear light clothing and try to find a place where you can feel less overwhelmed, especially if you do not have the possibility to go out to ‘breathe’.

    Try to dominate the situation

    Don’t let motion sickness win the battle for you. In many cases, it is due to a psychological factor and not so much a physical one. Mentalize yourself and try to put aside the unpleasant sensations that transport produces in you. To do this, keep in mind that there are several therapies that can help you.

    Get plenty of rest before going out

    This way you can better adapt to the movements. You should also try to sleep during the trip so that the mind is calmer.

    Natural remedies to avoid travel sickness

    Apart from ginger and lemon, there are other remedies that can help reduce the risk of dizziness when traveling. Take note of the ones that we are going to comment on below.


    It is useful because it eliminates nausea, according to this study by a team from the University of Exeter (UK).

    Drink an infusion with a cup of water and a teaspoon of dried plant. You can mix it with other plants.

    Gingko biloba

    • It improves the circulation of the capillaries of the brain, increasing their resistance.
    • It is advisable to consume between (60 and 240 mg) per day, from a week before traveling.


    • Relieves the urge to vomit, as suggested by this research by a team from Case Western University.
    • Consume a tea made with a tablespoon of dried flowers in a cup of water an hour before traveling.


    Clove spice.

    • According to this study from the University of Pécs (Hungary), it can be used to reduce the feeling of nausea.
    • Take half an hour before starting the trip a few drops of its essence dissolved in a glass of water; you can sweeten with honey.


    It has gastric properties, which is why it treats dizziness. This is stated in this study by the University of Cartagena (Colombia).

    • Make an infusion with a handful of fresh leaves per liter of water and drink two cups after eating.

    What else can you do?

    To avoid dizziness on a trip, do not forget to put into practice the tricks that we have discussed. You will see how the annoying sensations are reduced and you can enjoy your trips without any problem.

    Of course, if you consider that you need medical help, do not hesitate to go for a consultation to have a check-up and a treatment scheduled according to what you have.

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