How Much Does Luck Influence Personal Success?

How much does luck influence personal success? The word “luck” becomes an expression whose intention is to express good wishes towards another. In this way, “Good luck!” And “I wish you luck” refer to success rather than luck itself.

In this article we reflect on this topic and contemplate different perspectives. We also give you some tips to bring luck into your life. Keep reading!

What the skeptics believe

Beliefs about how luck influences personal success are diverse. There is a type of people who think that luck is the factor that defines life and, precisely, these same people are the ones who  lack of luck is the perfect excuse for failures.

His typical phrases are: “He is a lucky man”, “I am not a lucky woman”, “He is so lucky! Everything works out well ”and expressions like that.

Other types of people, on the other hand, are skeptical about it. These people understand that the only thing that really conditions the results in their life is both their effort and their own actions.

These people are convinced that waiting for luck is a thing for the lazy and the weak of spirit. So where do we agree?

Does luck really influence personal success?

Luck really influences life

Luck has definition. It can be explained as the positive result that has occurred fortuitously or by chance, from an event or event.

Those who argue that personal success is influenced by luck, consider this to be a driving force. An energy that escapes the person and that determines that sometimes unforeseeable events and circumstances develop in one way or another.

There are different ways of looking at luck. On the one hand, it is considered as a matter of chance, of the probabilities of something happening.

On the other hand, there are those who see it as  a matter of faith or superstition ; that is, as the occurrence of fortunate or unfortunate supernatural events.

Some positions regarding how luck influences

  • Rationalists consider that luck as a “coup de grace” or “culmination” does not exist. That a brick falls on a person who is walking is not a matter of luck of the person, but is the result of statistics. Anyone walking under that building at that time would have received the brick on their head.
  • Can luck be influenced by spiritual means? Those who hold this opinion agree that luck increases if certain rituals are performed. Rites, spells, talismans are, for these people, elements that can determine that luck favors them in the future.
  • A moderate stance holds belief in luck as part of positive thinking. Those who say “Luck must be sought” their search is transformed into effort, work and consequent actions.
  • Both the thought of Jean Paul Sartre and that of Sigmund Freud also influence. For them, luck is related to an excuse not to take control of their own life. It is about fleeing from responsibilities, because it is luck that is determining failures. According to this theory, those who consider themselves rewarded for “good luck” only reap the benefits of a positive attitude.

A path to success: surely “luck” will influence

A path to success will surely influence "luck"

Believing in luck can contribute to personal success. Provided that this belief is accompanied by a mentality of progress, effort, work. Personal success begins in the mind, the place where beliefs lie.

The starting point will be to organize the mind and thoughts to generate habits of personal development. These customs will focus the person toward achieving their goal.

There will be luck, that luck that will make the person say “I’m having luck. I do very well”. Deep down you will know that this “luck” to which you refer with your words is the result of a sum of actions that you undertook.

In this way, positive thinking and confidence are understood as two fundamental conditions of “luck.” It is believed that it is possible and that it is in your hands to achieve it.

There is also the certainty that if the person plans and acts in an organized manner, they will achieve the proposed objective. Thus, you will strengthen your confidence in yourself and that luck will accompany you. And surely it will.

Some ideas to attract luck and boost confidence

Some ideas to attract luck and boost confidence

Good luck:

  • It cannot be bought or sold.
  • Without passion or dedication it cannot exist.
  • It depends on the person and requires work.
  • It is conquered by promoting successful circumstances.
  • It appears when responsibility for the results is assumed from the beginning of the actions.
  • If there are unfavorable results, it is not a problem of luck, they are only guidelines to improve from now on.

Luck and personal success are part of the same nature, which  is made up of events that are programmed to achieve goals. In this programming, the person is the one who has the decisions in their hands.

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