Homemade Recipes To Help Reduce Scars

Perhaps it is due to a surgery or a cut that you have had a long time ago. The truth is that the marks on the skin, although well healed, are not painful or pose any type of health problem, in certain cases they may not be aesthetic.

It is possible to try to mitigate them, although it is essential to understand that they can never be completely eliminated. Medical treatments to reduce them are also usually quite expensive.

It is possible to make use of some natural remedies to help mitigate them. Therefore, in the following article we will give you some homemade recipes to reduce scars. Next, we develop it.

Natural recipes to reduce scars

Scars  are caused by wounds, burns, surgery, chickenpox, or acne. Some may be deeper and more noticeable than others. In general, having marks on the skin, many times, represents an aesthetic concern, but the truth is that there are ways to hide them.

So, if you have a brand that you want to reduce, we recommend the following homemade recipes:

1. Honey, oatmeal and aloe vera

Aloe vera and honey to reduce scars

These three ingredients are widely used in aesthetics (that is why you see them in different wellness and hygiene products). Honey is a powerful antibiotic that prevents infections, oatmeal acts as an exfoliant and aloe vera hydrates the skin. There are some studies that deal with the properties of aloe vera and its effectiveness in helping to heal and help reduce scars.


  • 1 cup of honey (350 grams)
  • 1 cup of rolled oats (250 grams)
  • 1 stem of aloe vera


  • First, open the aloe vera stem and extract the aloe or gel inside.
  • Then, in the blender glass, place the oats, honey and aloe vera.
  • Next, mix well to form a homogeneous paste.
  • So, pour it into a plastic container with a lid and leave it in the bathroom.
  • Every day after showering, apply to the scar with a light circular massage.
  • Leave 2 hours and remove with warm water.

2. Essential oils

The three most recommended oils in this case are tea tree, almond and lavender. All have natural healing properties and aid in wound healing.

In this sense, you simply have to mix them in equal parts (for example 1 tablespoon of each) and pass the preparation through the well clean and dry scar. Do not rinse.

There are different studies that investigate the properties of the aforementioned oils and that deal with their incidence on human skin and how they help skin regeneration.

3. Almonds

Almond oil to reduce scars

Since we have named its essential oil, you can also use the dried fruit in its natural state. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, which can help reduce skin tags. There is still no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.


  • 1 handful of almonds (20 grams)
  • 1 cup of water (250 grams)


  • First, place the almonds in a glass or cup and fill with water to the brim.
  • Then, leave them overnight and the next day filter the liquid.
  • Then, make an almond paste by crushing or placing in the blender glass.
  • Next, apply on the scar (previously washed) and cover with a cloth.
  • Finally, leave it to act for 2 hours before removing with warm water.

6. Olive oil

If you can’t find or don’t have an essential oil at home, you can reduce scars by using olive oil. It is recommended that it be  extra virgin and cold pressed to enjoy all its benefits. The treatment is somewhat extensive, but it is worth it.

Simply wash the affected area and dry it well. Soak a cotton ball and go through the wound. Leave it overnight (you can cover the area with a cloth so it doesn’t stain the sheets). The next morning, uncover, but do not rinse, so it continues to act longer. Repeat daily.

Another similar option is coconut oil. This is a rich source of minerals and vitamins that removes marks very effectively, including those from chickenpox or acne. Apply in the same way as olive oil.

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