Homemade Recipes To Combat Stomach Ulcers

Since our diet is key to treating ulcers, we must increase the consumption of plant-based foods and proteins, as well as lean meats, and banish the processed

Stress, poor diet or excessive intake of certain medications could cause health problems in our body such as stomach ulcers. That is why it is important to always try to lead a healthy life with good nutrition and exercise.

In any case, if you are interested in this type of health problem, do not hesitate to continue reading the following article. Here we will show you what you should know about stomach ulcers as well as some natural alternatives to combat it. Discover them!

Stomach ulcers: what you should know about them

They are, basically, lesions in the gastric mucosa that, according to the US National Library of Medicine,   can be caused by reasons such as:

  • The presence of a bacterium ( Helicobacter pylori ).
  • The nerves.
  • The sedentary lifestyle.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • Very spicy or greasy food.
  • Stress.
  • Concerns.
  • Poor diet.
  • The intake of drugs (such as anti-inflammatories and pain relievers).

Stomach ulcers can be very painful, and sometimes patients may also have nausea and vomiting. In any case, at the slightest symptom it is always advisable to go to a specialist who will get us out of doubts.


As mentioned before, ulcers could be caused by poor diet. Therefore, it is advised:

  • Consume more plant-based foods (fruits and vegetables) and plant-based proteins (oils, legumes, nuts).
  • Eat lean meats like fish and chicken.
  • Eat whole grains, such as rice, pasta and bread, the latter that is not white or made from refined flours.
  • Avoid consuming coffee, alcoholic beverages, processed foods, cold cuts, fried, spicy and sugary.

Read also: Natural treatment of gastric ulcers

Treat stomach ulcers with natural remedies

We insist on the importance of following a healthy, balanced and responsible diet.  It is also very important to see our doctor and follow his treatments. In addition to this, we could also add some specific natural alternatives.

Here are some natural alternatives to help fight stomach ulcers.

9 natural alternatives to fight stomach ulcers

1. Licorice

Licorice, or by its scientific name Glycyrrhiza glabra, is often used to flavor certain recipes. In addition, licorice extract protects the stomach from the effects of medications, as demonstrated by a team of researchers from the Urmia University School of Medicine (Iran).

In addition, according to them, it is advisable to consume before eating so that a “protective film” is created on the stomach walls.

2. Ginseng

It is available in many health food stores and health food stores and has antimicrobial properties. Ginseng root may help fight infections caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria , according to this Yonsei University study, and also help reduce gastric cell damage.


3. Aloe vera?

It has various external applications and internal uses. Aloe Vera gel is used to heal skin wounds, according to the “Amalia Simoni Argilagos” Provincial Teaching Surgical Clinical Hospital (Cuba), but according to popular belief it could also be beneficial for the stomach, although there is no scientific evidence that it endorse.

4. Cayenne pepper

Although it has irritating properties, the University of Minnesota has shown that one of its main components (capsaicin, which is what gives it that spicy flavor) helps protect the stomach lining. 

5. Col

In reality, what is valuable is the cabbage juice rather than the cabbage itself. We can prepare it ourselves with a blender or food grinder (don’t forget to add water). It is a very powerful vegetable to help relieve stomach ulcers. Also, you can eat cabbage in salads or other preparations, but better if it is raw.


6. Blueberry

There are more and more fans of this small dark-colored fruit, because according to this study from the University of Michigan, it is   used for people with diabetes, kidney problems, cholesterol, overweight or patients with stomach ulcers.  This natural remedy is recommended in the form of natural juice.

7. Calendula

This beautiful orange flower, according to this study by the  Hawler Medical University,  it is a very good idea to help with ulcers. You can consume it by preparing a tea.

  • 1 handful of marigold flowers.
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • First, bring the water to a boil and add the flowers.
  • When it comes to a boil, leave for 5 minutes and then let it rest for 5 more minutes.
  • Finally, strain and drink with a tablespoon of honey (which is a high-quality antiseptic).

8. Green tea

Actually, any food that contains a good amount of flavonoids could do the trick. For example:

  • Red grapes.
  • Apples
  • Plums
  • Parsley.
  • Soy.
  • Broad beans.
  • Lentils.

    The team of researchers from the Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Education (India) has shown that all of them have the ability to reduce inflammation of the digestive system, inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause ulcers and relieve wounds on the stomach walls. Add these foods to your daily diet and you will see the effects.

    9. Bananas

    Bloating stomach

    According to research, plantain has the ability to protect the stomach from ulcers due to a compound called protease, which kills bacteria before they can begin to do harm. This is stated in this study from the University of Ibadan (Nigeria).

    In turn, it thickens the stomach walls and helps produce more gastric mucosa, which is an excellent barrier so that digestive acids do not wreak havoc.

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