Homemade Masks To Firm Facial Skin

Firming the skin, as well as maintaining a healthy face, often depends on certain habits, in addition to genetics and a correct diet.  Although it is difficult to fight the passage of time, with the help of certain methods, you can help the body avoid sagging skin.

The passage of time is undoubtedly the main cause of this problem, since the skin tends to lose firmness and elasticity. However, knowing what elements an age needs, it is possible to alleviate the effects of aging.

Likewise, the lack of proteins and nutrients  due to an inadequate diet also favors the loss of firmness of the skin. In the same way as leading a sedentary life. All this prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching our skin properly.

Finally, it should be added as on many occasions, our emotional states also determine the good or bad health of our skin. Anxiety, irritation, stress, often cause a deficiency in the absorption of nutrients due to vasoconstriction and muscle tension.

Below we have developed a series of natural methods to combat these factors and help the skin maintain its firmness.

Exfoliating masks

Homemade masks to help firm the skin

1. Carrot and orange mask

It is a simple to make and very effective mask. Both carrot and orange can give good results when it comes to fighting flaccidity thanks to their contribution of antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamins, minerals.

By combining both foods in a homemade mask, good results can be achieved. It is recommended to apply it about 3 times a week in the morning.

What do you need?

  • A carrot.
  • Orange juice.
  • A tablespoon of honey.


First of all, you have to mix the carrot and the orange juice, trying to get a homogeneous mixture. Finally, the tablespoon of honey is added to the product.

It is useful to use cotton to apply the mask once it is prepared. It is important to emphasize especially in areas where loss of firmness is usually more common. This is the neck, chin, or cheeks. It can be left on for 20 minutes and, finally, it is recommended to remove it with cold water.

2. Tomato and lemon mask

The skin of the face is different from the rest of the body , it is more sensitive and fragile, thinner and  is usually unprotected against the impact of the environment.

In fact, the sun is a great enemy of the skin. Excessive exposure to it favors its aging, takes away its natural hydration and causes collagen to be lost.

It is important to help firm the skin. For this, the tomato and lemon mask, foods that provide the body with nutrients and great benefits, is very positive.

What I need?

  • 2 tomatoes
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar


To begin with, the two tomatoes are peeled, and then taken to the blender along with the tablespoon of lemon juice. Once ready, add the two tablespoons of sugar. You must create a paste that gives rise to the mask.

With the help of a cotton ball, the mixture is applied for 15 minutes.   It is not recommended to leave this mask on for more than 20 minutes because lemon can irritate the skin. Afterwards, cool water is usually used to remove the mask. It is recommended to do it at night 2 times a week.

3. Apple and melon mask to help firm the skin

The melon helps to firm the skin and prevent sagging. In addition, by adding apple and oatmeal, a very successful mixture is achieved to hydrate it.

What I need?

  • Three servings of melon.
  • Half an apple.
  • Two tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • A tablespoon of honey.


First of all, you have to mix and beat the melon and the apple, in order to mix these two fruits well.

Thanks to the oats and honey that are added later, a thicker and more nutritious paste is obtained. After applying it, it is advisable to leave it to act for approximately 20 minutes. Afterwards, it can be removed with fresh water. It is recommended to repeat the process three times a week.

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