Homemade Creams For Cuticles And Nail Health

You should never neglect the health of the nails, and especially the cuticles. If they are healthy you will avoid infections, inflammations and any type of problem that prevents their proper growth. As the experts point out, “hygienic nail care, how could it be otherwise, should be considered as an extension of hand hygiene”.

You already know that there are numerous nail treatments on the market for various issues: hydrate them, protect them, heal them, etc. However, we can make fabulous creams at home to treat cuticles and thus achieve strong and really beautiful nails. Do you dare to do them today?

1. Cuticle softening cream

Almond oil for nail health

Why do we need to soften cuticles? Caring for and smoothing the cuticles will promote proper blood circulation, thus stimulating their growth to make the nails look (and are) strong and resistant.

Therefore, we recommend first softening them with this type of cream. Then we will very carefully press the cuticle back with an orange stick. Very easy. But let’s see now how to make this first cream.

How to make it?

You will find the three necessary ingredients in specialized perfumeries or natural stores. It is worth having them always at home, because it will give us the opportunity to develop many types of home beauty treatments.

  • 10 milliliters of glycerin.
  • 10 milliliters of almond oil.
  • 15 milliliters of cocoa or shea butter.

You just have to mix all the elements well. Melt the cocoa butter first if you need it. Once it is more or less liquid and warm, add the glycerin and almond oil.

But how should I apply it on my cuticles? Spread the mixture with a cotton ball by massaging each cuticle in a circular motion. A daily routine that will go very well to promote the health of the nails and their growth, as well as to soften that cuticle.

2. Cream to stimulate nail growth

Do you notice that your nails take time to grow? Then you must improve your diet and external care. By doing this, the problem is usually solved in a relatively short period of time.

Within the external care, you can include the application of the following cream.

How to make it?

Through this simple treatment we will nourish the root of the nail, strengthen its structure and stimulate its circulation through the health of the cuticle. We will use elements that will be easy for you to get. Take note:

  • 2 drops of vitamin E.
  • 10 milliliters of glycerin.
  • 10 milliliters of castor oil.

You’ve surely heard about the benefits of castor oil for nail or eyelash health. It is a reactivating tonic and an excellent nutrient. For its part, vitamin E can be found in capsules in pharmacies. Since it can have many applications, it is also worth having it always at home.

To prepare this cream you only need a small container to include the preparation. It is enough to mix all the elements well  until a homogeneous paste is left.

You will only have to do a little massage with a well-soaked cotton on your nails and cuticles. No need to wash your hands – let it act. You can repeat it every day.

3. Simple nutrient to improve nail health

Egg face mask

This treatment is as simple to prepare as it is effective in terms of nail health. Take note of what we need. We are sure you will love it:

  • The yolk of an egg.
  • 20 milliliters of olive oil.
  • 20 milliliters of natural pineapple juice.

Egg yolk is very rich in lecithin, which allows us to tone the cuticles. In addition, its fatty acids allow us to keep the nails well hydrated.

For its part, olive oil acts as a good moisturizer and conditioner capable of providing a natural shine  Excellent. All this, combined with pineapple juice, allows us to nourish our nails in a super effective way. How to resist?

To make it, you just have to mix these elements well in a small container and apply this simple remedy with a cotton ball. Perform a small massage, as in the previous options. Easy, effective and very pleasant to try.

4. Treatment to take care of the health of the nails before going to sleep

It is a simple bath where you dip your fingertips. In this way, we will be able to nourish our nails and cuticles. The elements that we are going to use are the following:

  • 20 milliliters of castor oil.
  • 10 milliliters of lemon juice.
  • 20 milliliters of almond oil.
  • 20 milliliters of tea tree oil.

    As you can see, it is a small “cocktail” of essential oils combined with a little lemon juice. With this treatment we will be able to cover each and every one of the needs of the cuticles and nails.

    We are going to nourish the nails and we are going to protect them from any type of infection. The latter is going to be responsible, above all, the tea tree oil. You can find it once again in specialized perfumeries or natural stores.

    They are not expensive oils and, as we tell you, they can be used for many other things. In the case of tea tree oil, you can also make very useful antibacterial hand gels.

    But how do we prepare this treatment? Easy. Find a small bowl and mix all the ingredients there. Afterwards, you just have to soak your fingertips for 10 minutes. After this time, dry yourself and you will have your nail and cuticle treatment ready before going to sleep. Very useful!

    As you can see, it is very easy to take care of the health of your nails. If you put these natural remedies into practice you will avoid infections, fungi and they will grow much stronger. What are you waiting to try them?

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