Homemade Butter, Easy And Healthy

Butter provides essential nutrients for our body, and therefore, our health. Especially if it is homemade and is consumed in moderation.

Making homemade butter is easier than you think, and also healthier.

Although butter has gained a bad name in recent years, the truth is that its moderate consumption does not pose a risk to health. On the contrary, it could bring us some benefits thanks to many of the substances it contains.

Often, people often confuse natural and healthy butter with margarine  sold in shops and supermarkets. These are loaded with refined polyunsaturated oils, preservatives, and other compounds that are not good for your health.

Why is homemade butter healthy?

Enjoy homemade butter in moderation

Butter contains nutrients and saturated fats, which are essential for our body. Of course, it should be consumed in minimal portions and with healthy foods. Among its main benefits we can find:


Natural butter is a food rich in  fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K2. Vitamin A strengthens vision and the immune system, while vitamin D increases calcium absorption. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and vitamin K2 helps prevent cardiovascular disease.

Fatty acids:

Butter contains more than 400 different fatty acids, 70% of which are saturated. These can contribute to cardiovascular health by increasing levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL).

Therefore, consuming butter in small amounts is not dangerous and could even bring us benefits to improve our health and reduce the risk of diseases.

How to prepare homemade and healthy butter?

After learning how to prepare this delicious homemade butter, you will not want to buy margarine again. With just two ingredients, you can make a soft and delicious homemade butter with which you can accompany other foods.

You can use spices to flavor your homemade butter


  • 500ml organic cream
  • a pinch of salt

How to prepare it?

  • Pour the heavy cream into a large container.
  • Next, beat vigorously for about 10-15 minutes or until you get the desired texture.
  • When beating you will notice a white liquid that comes off the cream as it gets a firmer texture. That liquid is the serum and we will not need it. However, if you prefer, you can reserve it for other preparations.
  • Keep beating very carefully until the cream removes as much of the serum as possible.
  • When you have removed the whey, add a pinch of salt and beat for a couple more minutes.
  • Then, when it has a firm texture, run your homemade butter through water to facilitate the elimination of the remaining whey. Place a fine sieve to facilitate this procedure.
  • Your healthy homemade butter is ready when all of the whey has been removed.
  • Finally you just have to put your butter in a container and keep it in the refrigerator. Well preserved it can last up to a month.

Note: if you want, you can flavor your homemade butter and get a different and delicious touch. For this you can add finely chopped fresh herbs such as thyme, basil, chives, garlic, etc.

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