Home Treatments For Rash

Although the first reaction we will have will be to scratch, it is convenient that we do not touch the skin affected by the rash so as not to spread it to other areas

Also known as dermatitis, the rash causes irritation and redness of the skin. In addition, they are characterized by dryness, itching and scaling and even by blisters and bumps. This is a minor problem but it is worth treating.

In this article we will tell you more about it. First we will talk about its main types, symptoms and causes, then we will give you some home remedies to remedy it and finally some recommendations to avoid this problem.

Rash: types, symptoms, and causes

When the skin is slightly red there is nothing to worry about. However, you should pay attention if it is accompanied by muscle aches or fever. In that case we are in the presence of a more serious problem that must be supervised by a doctor.

Most common types of rash

Atopic dermatitis

This eczema develops in children and causes dryness and lumps around the elbows and knees.

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis

It is caused by contact with certain allergens. It results in redness, peeling and itching. For example, it occurs when wearing nickel jewelry or touching poison ivy.

Irritant contact dermatitis

In this case, the skin is exposed to irritating substances, such as chemical cleaners, soaps or perfumes. Swelling and itching are the most common symptoms.

Seborrheic dermatitis

It occurs on the scalp, ears, and face. The main signs are redness, dryness, and peeling.



It is a rash on the skin, especially on the elbows, knees, and scalp.

Main symptoms of the rash

Keep in mind that these symptoms can occur anywhere on the body.

  • Small lumps ..
  • Itch.
  • Burning.
  • Inflammation.
  • Dryness.
  • Blisters
  • Peeling.
  • Pinkish rings.
  • Lesions with pus.
  • Fever.

What are the most common causes of a body rash?

Here is a list of the most common causes of this problem. We must not forget that at the slightest suspected symptom, a specialist should be consulted. 

  • Viral infections (chickenpox, measles, rubella).
  • Bacterial infections.
  • Scabies from mites.
  • Ringworm (fungal infection).
  • Candida fungus.
  • Insect bites.
  • Allergies
  • Contact with irritating substances.
  • Consumption of medicines.
  • Excessive sweating
  • Sun exposure.
  • Wear certain clothes.
  • Hot and humid climates.
  • Food poisoning.

Home remedies for rash

You can reduce the symptoms and improve the appearance of dermatitis with any of the following natural recipes:

1. Essential oils

They have many properties, including deflating the skin. We advise you to use chamomile essential oil (it is available in naturopathic homes) because it will treat skin eruptions and itching.


Fill the tub with warm water and add a few drops of this oil. Then immerse yourself completely, paying attention that the affected area is covered by water. Stay 15 minutes and feel the relief. If you don’t have chamomile oil, you can use olive oil. In this case, apply a few drops to the area with the rash and massage in a circular motion. Let dry and do not rinse.

2. Aloe vera

How to freeze aloe vera gel

Of course, it could not be missing in our list of home remedies to improve the skin. Try to buy an aloe vera plant and always have it at home because it can help you in thousands of cases. Its effectiveness is truly amazing.


Cut a piece of the stem and open to extract the gel. Apply to the affected skin and let it absorb.

3. Oats

Oat flakes have the ability to reduce itchiness and redness of the skin.


You can use it in different ways. One of them is through an immersion bath. Fill the tub with warm water and sprinkle in a handful of oatmeal. Take a bath until the water has cooled.

Another option is to boil ½ cup of water (125 ml) with 1 handful of oatmeal so that the liquid evaporates and forms a paste. When it has cooled, place on a gauze and apply to the affected area as a compress. Leave to act for 30 minutes.

4. Natural herbs

In addition to using chamomile essential oil, you can prepare a tea with the flowers of this plant.


Once it is cold, strain and soak a cotton ball, which you will pass over the area with the rash. You  can also make a poultice by mixing a tablespoon of yellow dock root, another of holm oak and one of dandelion.

  • Add a little water to make it like a paste.
  • Apply to the skin and cover with gauze.
  • Leave on for half an hour before removing.

Comfrey is also very good in these cases. Prepare an infusion with a tablespoon of the plant and a cup of water. When it has cooled down, strain and soak a rag that you will go over the rash.

We also recommend the plantain leaf. It is used to treat rashes and redness. Wash a couple of them and rub on irritated skin. If you have very sensitive dermis, better prepare a tea and wash with the liquid.

5. Baking soda

If you have severe itching due to dermatitis, we recommend using bicarbonate to take immersion baths.


The proper dose is 3 tablespoons (30 g) per full tub of water. This home treatment is best done during the night before sleeping in order to rest better and not scratch unconsciously.

Recommendations for the rash

To avoid or treat dermatitis and rash, it would be good to:

  • Consume a good amount of vitamin C, which protects the body from infection.
  • Identify which allergen is causing the irritation.
  • Do not scratch the area, to avoid spreading it or even making it worse.
  • Don’t choose perfumed soaps.
  • Use moisturizers before leaving home.
  • Do not bathe excessively, because the skin will dry out even more.
  • You will manage stress and nerves to prevent the immune system from suffering.

In any case, we always recommend consulting a specialist doctor.

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