Health Benefits Of Physical Exercise

To promote physical and mental health, it is advisable to practice physical exercise daily, even if it is moderate. In addition, this promotes the release of endorphins, the famous hormones of well-being.

Stress and sedentary lifestyle are a disastrous conjunction that characterize the current pace of life of many people. Therefore, the benefits of physical exercise make it essential for a healthy life physically and mentally.

According to what the World Health Organization recommends, an adult should do 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily; the goal should be to reach 150 minutes per week, or 75 minutes if it is a more intense activity.

What are the benefits of physical exercise?

According to the WHO itself, physical activity includes any task that requires energy expenditure. This could be a daily walk, for example. And is that everything that involves putting the body into action is beneficial, as we will see below.

What exercises to encourage in older adults?

First, exercise can extend a person’s life expectancy . A study published by the Journal of Aging Research indicates that the increase can range from a year and a half to 3 years in men and 2 to 4 years in women. In addition, as we will see below, it also significantly improves the quality of life.

For its part, aerobic exercise – running, swimming, walking, among other activities – is related to an improvement in cardiovascular function. Therefore, it reduces the chances of suffering from diseases of this type, according to a WHO publication. This is largely due to its effects on body weight and blood pressure.

Also, exercise helps increase “good cholesterol” (HDL) and reduce bad (LDL), according to a publication of the specialized site Mayo Clinic. Therefore, it can protect us from some diseases associated with this condition.

On the other hand, there are studies that claim that it acts as a preventive factor for diabetes. An example is research published by the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases .

Last but not least, physical activity is essential for maintaining bone mass. This helps prevent osteoporosis and other bone pathologies, according to a study published by BMJ Journals .

Other positive consequences of exercise

Beyond the above, there are several other benefits of physical activity that we can highlight. In fact, the benefits of physical exercise are not limited to the physical plane, so we will also explain how it affects the mental health of an individual.

Pregnant women doing sports with ball.

Physical level

In the first place, and as stated in a study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism , exercise – especially aerobic and intense exercise – reduces the level of body fat. In this way, it helps prevent coronary heart disease.

In addition, all types of training improve muscle development and overall physical performance. In this sense, strength routines offer many benefits for the body, such as strengthening bones and weight control, according to a Mayo Clinic article.

Finally, when it comes to the digestive system, exercise helps regulate constipation. The experts on the Medline Plus site recommend regular physical activity and good hydration to prevent this condition.

Psychological level

As we mentioned before, exercise not only helps to keep the body healthy, but it is also very positive for psychological well-being.

First of all, we must emphasize that one of the benefits of exercise is that it produces tranquilizing and antidepressant effects. Its help in treating these types of disorders is confirmed by a study published in the journal Clinical Psychology Review .

In addition, as is well known, physical activity brings a feeling of well-being and helps eliminate stress. This is largely due to the endorphin production it facilitates, as explained by research published in the journal Sports Medicine .

On the other hand, exercise also prevents insomnia and helps regulate sleep. This improvement in rest has positive effects on the overall health of the body, as detailed in a publication on the WebMD site.

Take advantage of the benefits of physical exercise!

Find a motivation

From everything that we explained previously, we can conclude that physical exercise increases the quality of life in every way. However, escaping a sedentary lifestyle can be difficult. Do not decay! In a few days your body and mind will thank you, and they will even ask you for some exercise.

To conclude, do not forget to stay well hydrated before, during and after the exercise session. Along with a balanced diet and healthy habits, physical activity is a staple in the recipe for good health.

Finally, don’t skip the doctor’s visit if you have health problems. Although it will not discourage you from exercising, it can guide you on how and which type is best for you.

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