Heal Burned Lips. Practical And Effective Tips

In addition to following these tips, to heal burned lips it is essential that we keep them well hydrated both inside and out. Since  hydration will have a very important effect to increase or decrease this problem.

The skin of the lip is the thinnest outer skin we have on the body.  In seasonal changes, the lips also suffer from changes in environment and temperature. These can be burned for example after changing the heat to a cold temperature. It is due in part to the intense dryness that they acquire easily.

However, you can help prevent this from happening with some precautions. While constantly exposed to the sun, the lips  can be affected by wind and other irritants. So you can help them with natural treatments to preserve their softness and, above all, their vitality.

What is recommended to heal burned lips?

  • Keep a lip moisturizer stick in your bag to apply whenever needed.
  • Do not lick your lips, as the humidity makes them dry more quickly.
  • Drink lots of water, hydration is the main thing to have healthy lips.
  • Do not neglect them, they are a vital part of good health.

Natural elements that will help you with this problem

heal burned lips

1- Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the most effective natural treatments to heal sunburned lips. Since aloe vera has natural moisturizing and lubricating properties as well as having a large amount of  nutrients that provide softness and vitality.


  • 1 aloe vera leaf.

Application mode

  • Cut the aloe vera leaf in half and extract all the gel.
  • Store it in a container in the freezer for a few minutes to maximize the cooling effect.
  • Apply it with your ring finger to your lips and let it work until it dries.

2. Cold compresses

Applying cold compresses is one of the easiest remedies you can carry out anywhere. While lips are burned they need low temperatures to cool them down.  In this way we can do it very quickly.


  • Ice.
  • Half a cup of water (125 ml).


  • A suitable container.
  • A small towel.

Application mode

  • Add the water and ice cubes to a bowl, submerge the towel, and let it cool down well.
  • Then remove the towel, wring it out, and place it directly on your lips.
  • Keep it in them until it reaches room temperature.
  • Repeat it twice a week. After a month, approximately, you will begin to notice the softness of the lips.

    3- Tomato

    The lycopene of the tomato helps us to heal burned lips, since it gives us freshness and vitality. Thanks to this nutrient we can maintain the healthy texture of the lips. It is also effective in protecting them from the sun  and from any burns.


    • 250 ml of tomato juice.
    • 125 ml of serum.

    Application mode

    • Mix both ingredients and apply this mixture directly on burned lips.
    • Let it act for 30 minutes.
    • Remove with cold water.
    • Repeat the treatment 3 times a week to see noticeable changes in the recovery of your lips

    4- Chamomile

    Chamomile is one of the herbs with excellent health properties. It is one of the most recommended options to cure burned lips due to its sedative effects. It also has a mild smell and  restores the thin skin of the area, especially in those affected by the sun.


    • Water.
    • 2 bags of chamomile tea.

    Application mode

    • Heat the water and, when it comes to a boil, add the two bags of chamomile.
    • Remove the infusion from the heat and let it rest until it reaches room temperature.
    • Then store it in the fridge and let it cool for 10 minutes.
    • After the indicated time, apply it on the burned lips with the help of a cotton ball.
    • Let it act for 15 minutes and repeat the procedure.


    These have been some tips to heal burnt lips. They will surely be very effective for this ailment. But it is important to clarify that when faced with a very accentuated condition or that lasts over time, consult a specialist. Well, there are other pathologies that affect the lips that can be mistaken for a burn and perhaps they are not.

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