Have A Healthy Breakfast With These Oat Pancakes

The first meal of the day should not only give us energy but it should also provide us with the necessary nutrients to maintain our good health, so what are you waiting for? Have a healthy breakfast starting today!

Try these simple and delicious homemade pancakes made with oatmeal, banana, cocoa and a touch of coconut oil. They are really delicious and are sure to help you break the morning monotony.

The great advantage of enjoying this breakfast is that, as it contains oatmeal, it will help you satisfy your appetite and prevent bites between meals.

You should know that this recipe for pancakes can be enjoyed by everyone at home without any problem. It does not contain gluten, sugar or lactose. Now, let’s get down to business.

Eat a healthy breakfast and gain health

Choosing a good breakfast option, however, is not only a good thing for your day to day. It is also an investment in health, as it helps you prevent discomfort and illness in the long term.

Avoid sugars, poor quality fats and refined flours, as well as all kinds of processed products, and discover the pleasure of preparing your own breakfast every day.

Have a healthy and natural breakfast with this recipe that you can prepare every morning quickly and easily.


Cinnamon oatmeal water

Oatmeal is the best cereal that we can choose for breakfast, since it provides us with a good amount of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins and various minerals.

It is a very nutritious and energetic food that supports digestive and intestinal function, while balancing the nervous system.



The banana is a very nutritious fruit, rich in vitamins A, B6, C and folic acid and minerals such as potassium and magnesium. It also contains a good amount of fiber.

This delicious fruit gives a lot of energy, reduces high blood pressure and, in turn, nourishes and relaxes the muscles.

Banana adds natural sweetness to any recipe and helps us avoid adding sugar or sweeteners.



Pure and bitter cocoa, unlike the chocolate that we can buy in any supermarket, is a medicinal food with many health properties.

  • It is a powerful antioxidant and stimulant that improves brain functions and our mood.
  • Cocoa also reduces cholesterol levels and takes care of our heart, reduces stress and improves libido in a natural way.
  • This ancestral food satiates our desire to eat chocolate while giving us all these benefits.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil

We should not eliminate fats from our diet, but avoid those that are harmful to health and make us gain weight.

Extra virgin coconut oil is a healthy fat that helps us maintain a good weight, eliminate the fat that accumulates in the waist and activate the metabolism to lose kilos more easily.

In addition, coconut oil has a delicious, smooth and tropical flavor, and it is one of the best fats that we can use in our usual recipes, since it withstands high temperatures very well.

Oatmeal, cocoa and coconut pancakes


  • 1 egg.
  • 2 ripe bananas.
  • 1 cup of oatmeal (100 g).
  • ½ glass of water, milk or vegetable drink (125 ml).
  • 2 tablespoons of bitter cocoa powder (20 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid vanilla extract (10 ml).
  • 3 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil (30 g).


  • We will beat the egg well and add the water or milk, the vanilla and the coconut oil. We will beat again.
  • We will add the ripe bananas to the preparation, and we will beat them or mash them well with the fork.
  • Finally, we will add the oatmeal and cocoa powder.
  • Once we have the dough ready, we can cook it in a pan with a little oil, for about 5 minutes, waiting to turn it so that it does not burn.

Some considerations

The easiest way to prepare these oatmeal pancakes is with a mixer. However, they could be prepared by hand without problem. And as for cooking, instead of the pan, they can also be cooked in a waffle iron or sandwich maker.

Have a healthy breakfast with these pancakes and accompany them with different garnishes every day, according to your preferences: dark chocolate, fruit jam, nuts, Greek yogurt, cinnamon, etc. Go ahead and make your own combinations!

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