Green Smoothie For Weight Loss: Is It Useful?

A green smoothie for weight loss is a natural drink that, included in a balanced and healthy diet, can help reduce those “extra kilos”. Now, it is important to clarify that by itself it does not have the ability to burn fat or eliminate toxins. Simply, ingested on a regular basis, it can be a good supplement to maintain a healthy weight.

Is it useful to prepare a green smoothie to lose weight?

To answer this question, it is important to break with some false beliefs about the consumption of smoothies. For some years, both the green smoothie and other similar drinks were popular, as many celebrities suggested that it was their secret to staying in shape.

As a result, dozens of recipes were shared that promised to lose kilos in a matter of weeks. Even “miracle” type diets were designed based on shakes, which promised to help you lose weight almost instantly. Well, all this was denied and it was noted that, on the contrary, it could be harmful.

Green smoothie for a vegan diet.

A smoothie, green or another variety, cannot by itself help you lose weight. Although it is made up of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, seeds and spices, it does not have powerful enough properties to combat excess weight.

What can be beneficial from their consumption is that they contribute to maintaining the feeling of satiety, although not as much as fruits and vegetables in their natural form. In addition, as detailed in a study in Genetics and Molecular Biology , they could help improve antioxidant capacity, which helps promote well-being.

Green smoothie for weight loss

In short, you can prepare a green smoothie to lose weight, but being clear that it will not be a drink with miraculous effects. If you decide to try it, you can ingest it, for example, in those moments of anxiety in which hunger strikes you.

Thus, you will get a feeling of satiety in exchange for few calories and, in addition, you will provide an “extra” of nutrients to your body. Do you dare to try it? Make the following recipe.


  • 1 green apple 
  • 1 ripe banana cut into chunks
  • Fresh and washed spinach leaves (60 g)
  • 1 cup of water or natural almond milk (250 ml)

People with bottles of green smoothies.


  • Add all the ingredients in the blender and process.
  • Try to consume it freshly made. If you let time pass, the color and flavor may change. 
  • If the day is really hot, add ice if you just want a cool shake. 
  • It is not recommended to add sweeteners . If the taste isn’t sweet enough, add just a drop or two of liquid stevia.

We cannot pretend to lose weight simply by taking a green smoothie. Although it is still a healthy drink, it does not have “super properties”. In general, if we want a healthy weight, it is best to maintain a healthy, calorie-controlled diet. In addition, we must not forget the importance of doing physical activity.

Are you overweight or obese? Do not stop consulting with doctors and nutritionists. They are the only ones with the powers to help you obtain an ideal plan to lose weight according to your case.

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