Going For A Walk: 8 Reasons To Do It

In Spain, fewer and fewer people decide to do physical activities outdoors. Today, going for a walk every day has taken a back seat. However, there are very good reasons to do so.

The latest annual report of the European Fitness and Health Market reflects that fitness has established itself as the most practiced physical activity in Europe and places Spain as one of the countries that gives it the most importance. In fact, it seems that it also constitutes the sporting activity with the highest volume.

However, keep in mind that although fitness is good, going for a daily walk is also advantageous. In the following article we will explain 8 reasons to do it.

1. Helps reduce body fat

To walk

Walking is an ideal physical activity to burn calories, therefore it helps reduce high levels of accumulated fat. This is because it allows maintaining a heart rate (HR) around 65% of the maximum HR (220-age in men and 226-age in women).

In this way, it is guaranteed that the use of body fat is as a main energy fuel. Also, unlike other cardiovascular activities, it helps preserve muscle mass.

2. Increases the release of serotonin

Serotonin is a fundamental neurotransmitter for the regulation of social behavior, emotions, mood and some physiological functions such as sleep, food and muscle contraction, as was stated in a study carried out at the Ramón National Institute of Psychiatry of the Muñiz Fountain.

The deficiency of this hormone is related to some mental disorders such as depression and eating disorders. Exposure to sunlight and physical activity increase serotonin production. This means a better mood and a lower risk of depression and cognitive decline.

So, do you dare?

3. Promotes the synthesis of vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for maintaining good bone, immune and brain health. The main source of vitamin D is the skin, which, in contact with the sun’s rays, transforms 7-dehydrocholesterol into vitamin D3. Thus, exposure to sunlight is essential and, for this, walking outdoors is perfect.

The ideal would be to expose 10% of the body to the sun, every day, for 30 minutes and without sun protection. It should be noted that the body is only exposed to the sun without protection during the mentioned period of time.

4. Lowers blood pressure

Walking falls within the group of aerobic activities and is an ideal practice to maintain blood pressure (BP) within a healthy range.

Cardiovascular diseases are still the leading cause of death in Spain, above cancer and respiratory diseases. This is why it is essential to include cardio activities to help reduce mortality numbers.

According to the Spanish Heart Foundation, brisk walking is one of the most suitable activities for controlling blood pressure. For this, the World Health Organization recommends a weekly minimum of 150 minutes in sessions of no less than 10 minutes.

The practice of aerobic physical activity helps to maintain blood pressure within normality.

5. Helps keep blood glucose stable

Walking helps keep blood glucose levels stable. This is due to an increase in energy expenditure and insulin sensitivity during the 24-48 hours following the physical activity session. In this way, it is ideal for the prevention and control of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

6. Improves the health of the heart and blood vessels

Moderate physical activity, such as walking, improves the heart’s ability to contract. This makes the work of this more efficient.

It has been stated by a study carried out at the University of Costa Rica that walking helps to improve the strength and efficiency of the heart impulses, which allows the sending of a greater amount of blood in each beat.

In addition, due to the vasodilator effect it favors circulation, reduces the risk of circulatory collapse and therefore reduces the risk of suffering a myocardial infarction or a cerebrovascular accident (stroke).

7. Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides

Going for a walk helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increases the ratio of HDL protein to LDL.

In addition, due to the effect it has on weight loss, it helps to improve the action of drugs designed to reduce excess cholesterol.

Likewise, it reduces the risk of suffering ischemic diseases, such as those mentioned in the previous point.

8. Improves adherence to physical activity

girl walks on the beach

Going for a walk is free, it does not require a higher physical condition, it can be done anywhere and it is free of schedules. All this contributes to favoring the commitment to physical activity. In addition, it makes it possible to perform with anyone and this can further increase adherence.

Finally, it is concluded that walking can offer numerous health benefits to people of all ages and fitness levels. Also, it can help prevent certain diseases and even prolong life.

It is easy to adapt to the daily routine. All that is needed to get started is a sturdy pair of shoes and the arrangement. What are you waiting for?

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