Flaxseed, A Natural Alternative To Lose Weight

A healthy diet can not only help you lose weight, but also improve health and add well-being. Therefore, it is worth improving it according to the indications of the doctor or nutritionist.

Flaxseed is well known for being a natural alternative to lose weight. You know why? Also, do you know what other benefits its consumption brings? In case you want to discover more about it, you should not stop reading everything that we are going to share with you.

To lose weight in a healthy way, there are no magic formulas. Only the combination of a balanced diet and exercise, along with other good lifestyle habits can bring real results. However, it is true that consuming foods like flaxseed greatly helps to achieve the desired goal.

What is the contribution of flaxseed? Why does it help to lose weight?

Seeds are foods that help take care of the liver

Recognized for many years for its beneficial properties and components for the body, flaxseed has not ceased to be the object of study. In fact, there are different studies that reveal that it not only helps to lose those extra pounds, but also contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system.

This is how a recent study exposes it, “flax ( Linum usitatissimum ) is a herbaceous plant of the family of the lináceas, being the linseed its seed from which flour is made and the oils are extracted. Because the components of the seed have shown to have bioactive potential (α-linolenic acid, lignans and fiber), in the last decades different studies have been carried out ”.

So, we have that flaxseed is a food rich in fiber, but also in omega 3 fatty acids. Therefore, it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, digestive, cleansing and, if you like, detoxifying properties.

Therefore, its regular consumption within a balanced diet can help maintain a good intestinal transit and thus prevent constipation. In turn, it helps to take care of the health of the intestinal microbiota.

In addition, because it is rich in fiber, it provides a feeling of satiety easily. Thus, when consuming it, we not only avoid overeating, but also fall into the trap that puts the anxiety to eat and peck between meals.

How to eat flaxseed to lose weight?

If you want to take advantage of the benefits of flaxseed to help you lose weight, you better start including it in your diet regularly. For this, it would be good if you consult the nutritionist so that he can tell you how to do it in a healthy way.

In general, it is said that it is advisable to use three tablespoons of flaxseed daily divided into the day, for this reason to start you will take the recommended portion of flaxseed and you will consume it during the three meals of the day.

For each tablespoon of ground flaxseed you will have to drink a glass of water, as there are three tablespoons, then it will be 3 glasses of flaxseed water on the day before each meal.

A different alternative to this is to take the same portion of flaxseed and add it to foods such as cereals, yogurt, smoothies or salads, among others. Its function to lose weight will not vary and it will also give you results.

Note : There are those who use flaxseed to replace oil, margarine, butter and egg. If a dish to be prepared contains these ingredients, it is recommended to use instead the three tablespoons of flaxseed that we have explained before.

Tips for better results

  1. You must be constant with your consumption of flaxseed, in this way the treatment will give you results and in the first month you will begin to notice the change.
  2. It is advisable to consume flaxseed for two months in a row and then take a break of 3 to 4 weeks before consuming it again.
  3. Combine the consumption of flaxseed with a balanced diet free of saturated fat.
  4. Remember that to improve your figure it is vital that you have a good exercise routine.

Treatment side effects and warnings

  • Consuming flaxseed can have some side effects in some people, as not everyone receives them the same.
  • Its consumption is warned especially to people who ingest some type of medicine recommended by an expert.

More about flax

Flaxseed oil has some interactions with some medications, mainly influencing the rate at which they are absorbed into the body. These drugs are usually those prescribed for weight loss, diabetes, and hormonal treatments.

Although omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial, their excessive consumption can cause bleeding due to their anticoagulant effects. This same property can cause the presence of sugar in the blood to be out of control due to its function in reducing the taste for sugars. It is suggested to use only the recommended dose and not to exceed the daily consumption.

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