Find Out How You Can Fight Obesity In Children

Childhood obesity is a problem that involves the whole family. Remember to support your child and model good habits.

Fighting obesity in children is one of the main battles for parents around the world. It is also an objective of the public policies of many governments that has not yet been eradicated.

In the 21st century, obesity in children represents one of the most serious problems in world public health, said a report presented in 2016 by the Commission to end childhood obesity of the World Health Organization (WHO) .

There are many factors that intervene in this situation. If it is also your particular fight, we advise you to take it easy, because the important thing is to help the little one. Talking to him and explaining the problem is ideal.

How to fight obesity in children?

how to fight obesity in children

According to this information from the World Health Organization, there are 41 million overweight children in the world. This data has raised the alarms of the health authorities. Although it requires an urgent solution, fighting obesity in children is a process that requires time.

It is important to establish good eating habits  and do physical activity. Added to the knowledge and information, they make up the ideal formula to combat obesity.

Why is obesity a problem for the health of children?

Obesity can lead to different complications. Some common diseases of adulthood begin to appear quickly, and children’s quality of life deteriorates as time progresses.

Among them, as this information from the International Heart Foundation – Argentina (FIC Argentina) points out, we can mention the following:

  • Cardiovascular diseases : caused by high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
  • Type 2 diabetes : In children and adolescents, this disease is devastating, as severe dietary restrictions begin, sugar resistance develops, and kidney disease begins.
  • Hepatic steatosis : it is a high concentration of fat in the liver. As evidenced by the Spanish Society of Out-of-hospital Pediatrics and Primary Care, in Europe, it is the most common pediatric liver disease.
  • Sleep apnea : it is a respiratory problem where there is an interruption of breathing for a few seconds while sleeping.
  • Asthma : This disease blocks the airways and hinders the normal breathing process.

Social risks

the social risks of obesity in children

Psychosocial risks begin with discrimination on the part of the people who surround the child in the spaces where it usually operates. According to this information provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, overweight little ones become the object of ridicule that can produce

  • Psychological stress
  • Social stigmatization.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Academic problems.
  • Conflicts with their peers.

Working at home is important to fight obesity

After consulting the specialist, showing empathy to your child and explaining the consequences that are generated by obesity, work at home comes. In this regard, we must bear in mind that  t odo begins by example. So fighting obesity in children is a team effort.

If your little one needs to eat healthy, do it too. If he needs to do physical exercise, accompany him, stop being sedentary and show him the importance of exercising to stay healthy and help prevent and treat childhood obesity, as evidenced by this study published in the journal Hospital Nutrition . Teach him healthy habits and share them. The whole family should set an example with their lifestyle.

Balance calories

The diet to lose weight should be guided by a specialist. Remember that the goal is for your child to find his ideal weight, without interfering with his growth and development process.

In addition to losing weight, the importance of eating healthy should be taught. Prepare more striking versions of your favorite dishes, with more greens and vegetables and less sugar and refined flours. You can apply the following:

  • Include low-fat dairy products with no added sugars.
  • Add protein, such as lean meats, fish, poultry, and legumes.
  • Offer fruits for lunches and snacks.
  • Use whole grains.
  • Eliminate products with saturated fat.
  • Avoid sodas and sugary drinks.
  • Serve in portions on small plates.

Observation is important

As responsible parents, it is important to be attentive to all the processes that the child goes through. Observe their growth and try to detect in time if the little one can become obese.

If this is the case, consult the specialist and introduce the necessary changes. Children need support, so teach your child how meaningful each step is to achieving the goal of losing weight.

Fighting and preventing obesity in children is possible, provided that all members of the family are willing to do their part to achieve the goal. What are you waiting for to get down to work and lead by example?

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