Facelift: Everything You Need To Know

The areas of the face that most show signs of aging are the contour of the eyes, nose and mouth. Also the frown and neck.

Strictly speaking, the facelift is a surgical procedure to tighten the muscles of the face. With this technique:

  • excess skin is removed
  • it gives this a younger look
  • signs of sagging are eliminated
  • a better tone and greater shine on the skin is achieved.

This technique is also known as “rhytidectomy” or “stretching. It is done individually or as part of a larger treatment that includes other procedures. Its purpose is to eliminate the signs of aging on the skin.

There are many factors that age the skin. The first of these is the passage of time. Also the sun, stress, lack of rest and tobacco, among others, cause signs of aging to appear. Generally, the facelift is carried out after the age of 45.

Features of the facelift


There are some areas of the face that are more susceptible to the passage of time. In particular, the area around the eyes, nose, and mouth. There wrinkles form more easily and become very visible and deep.

Something similar happens with the region between the eyebrows and on the neck. In the latter, a double chin is formed, due to the sagging of the skin.

To perform a facelift, the first thing that is done is a thorough examination. Such a preoperative study determines the relevance of the intervention and defines the surgical plan that requires local anesthesia and sedation.

There are three main types of facelift:

  • Cervicofacial: it is the most common. In this case, the surgical procedure is applied to the face and neck. The incisions are made around the ears. The fat from the double chin is removed by liposuction.
  • Mid-third facelift: applied to the area around the eyes and nose, which affects the cheekbones. It is one of the most effective in giving a rejuvenated appearance.
    • Frontal lift: applied to the forehead and eyebrows. The goal is to reduce frown and forehead wrinkles. It allows to raise the eyebrows, which gives a more youthful and sweet appearance to the face.

    Surgical intervention


    In all facelifts, very discreet incisions are made, so that the scar is not visible. When it is done all over the face, the usual thing is that the cut is made along the hairline.

    The lobe is then surrounded, behind the ears and the scalp. This is enough to do the full stretch.

    During the intervention what is done is to reposition the layers of muscle, fat and skin. At the same time, the facial muscles are tightened and excess tissue is removed.

    At the end, it is sutured with stitches and dressings and bandages are put on the head. Also a drainage system so sweat and blood don’t accumulate. This is removed the next day.

    The facelift generally requires an overnight stay. Currently, this type of surgery is carried out with minimal risks and complications. Anyway, a responsible and prudent postoperative should be carried out.

    After surgery

    Facelift surgery

    The facelift is a surgery like any other that can give rise to certain discomfort after its completion. Such discomforts are easily controlled with pain relievers. The pain goes away after a few days.

    Likewise, it is usual that there is a sensation of “cushioning” of the skin. This also disappears in two or three weeks.

    During the first fifteen days, the skin of the face will look very inflamed. At this stage it is advisable to carry out a minimum activity. If there is overexertion or strenuous activity, you could damage your face.

    The patient cannot be exposed to the sun for three months after surgery.

    Typically, basic recovery lasts about three weeks. After that period, normal life can be resumed. The inflammation gradually disappears and the face takes on a very natural appearance.

    Rarely does the facelift present complications. When they appear, they are generally common to any type of surgery (bleeding, bruising, reactions to medications or infections). With proper medical control, all of them are surmountable.

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