Exercises To Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain

The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back to the leg. Sciatica is a condition that affects this nerve and causes severe pain in the back of the back and legs.

This problem occurs when the sciatic nerve is pinched or irritated by a compression of the discs. Sciatica is not considered to be a disease in itself, but it is a clear symptom of problems such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis.

Sciatic nerve pain is very uncomfortable and can prevent a person from doing daily activities for up to 8 weeks. However, if during this period some care and exercises are taken into account, the discomfort can diminish and disappear completely in less time.

Exercises at home to relieve sciatic nerve pain

Although sciatic nerve pain patients often need to rest for a day or two, the best way to combat sciatic nerve pain is with a good routine of exercises and movements that target the affected area. This is the way to improve the problem day by day.

Although rest can momentarily decrease the ailment, the truth is that extending inactivity for a long time can worsen this condition. For this reason, it is very important to exercise and work on areas that can help strengthen your back and spinal discs.

When going to the doctor, they will most likely send us to a physical therapist, depending on the severity of the problem. However, at home we can also do some exercises that can be key to reduce and end this problem. That exercise plan should include:

Muscle strength exercises

Works that help to strengthen the muscles of the abs and back provide more support for the latter and improve the condition of sciatica. Ideally, the patient should undergo a gentle strengthening routine and subsequent stretching exercises to quickly recover from sciatic nerve pain.

Exercises according to diagnosis

By going to the specialist, they will have an exercise plan that will be tailored to the underlying cause of the patient’s sciatic pain, such as a lumbar disc herniation or spinal stenosis. In this sense, it is important to have the diagnosis, since incorrect exercise can worsen sciatic pain and prolong it.

Stretching exercises


Regardless of what causes it, a good routine for sciatica pain relief should include these stretching exercises:

  • Piriformis muscle stretches.
  • Lower back elongation.
  • Hamstring stretches.

Exercises for sciatica

As we mentioned before, the ideal is to carry out an exercise routine depending on the type of cause that causes the sciatic nerve pain. Taking this into account, the recommended exercises are the following:

Sciatica derived from herniated disc

  • Extension exercises.
  • Back bending work.
  • Upper back extension exercises.
  • Curl ups or abdominal push-ups, aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Sciatica from spinal stenosis

  • Dorsiflexion exercises.
  • Supine gait.
  • Curl ups or sit-ups.

Sciatica due to degenerative disc problems

  • Supine gait.
  • Exercises bridge ( bridging ).

Low-impact aerobic exercises

To walk

In addition to taking into account the specific exercises to relieve sciatica according to its cause, we must also include a little aerobic exercise. This will help reduce the problem and contribute to the overall health of the body.

One of the best exercises for the lower back is walking.  Practicing this exercise for about 30 minutes a day can bring all the benefits of an aerobic exercise session. As the condition of the sciatic nerve improves, you can increase aerobic activity with cycling, jogging, or a faster walk.

To keep in mind

It is very important to do sciatica exercises correctly;  otherwise, these may be ineffective, and may even exacerbate the problem. Generally, it is recommended to learn these exercises under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional, such as a physical therapist, chiropractor, or physiatrist.

Ultimately, care must be taken to maintain correct posture when walking and sitting. Likewise, it is essential to avoid excessive calorie consumption , since being overweight can aggravate this condition.

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