Exercises To Heal Sciatic Nerve Pain

It may seem contradictory, but moderate physical exercise is considered an adjunct to improve the quality of life in case of suffering from sciatic nerve, hip or back pain.

In fact, a review published in the Cochrane Library suggests that exercise, and physical activity in general, are useful interventions to improve pain severity and physical function , with few adverse events.

In this sense, performing moderate exercise, and routinely, it is possible to reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve, the inflammation of the hip and the strain on the back.

How to start? If there is already any ailment, it is important to consult the physiotherapist, since the training and postures can vary depending on the type of pain. In fact, the ideal is to first receive a diagnosis to determine if other treatments are necessary.

Anyway, taking advantage of this opportunity, we want to detail some of the exercises that can be performed in the face of this type of pain. We recommend doing them carefully, maintaining good posture, since bad practice can be harmful.

Recommended exercises for sciatic nerve pain

Sciatic nerve pain usually extends from the lower back to the hip. However, there are also cases of hip and back pain that have nothing to do with the sciatic nerve. However, regular practice of some exercises can help reduce pain in general. 

Although they are not a first-line treatment against trauma or diseases associated with this pain, they can be of help in specific cases. Let’s see in detail which are the recommended ones.

Butterfly pose

Known in yoga as “Badha Konasana”, the butterfly pose is one of the recommended exercises for sciatic pain and any ailment that affects the hips and back. Although its effects are the subject of research, it is believed to help relax nerves, decrease muscle tension, and improve flexibility.  

It should be noted that, in general, yoga exercises seem good against sciatica and similar pain. Through the Journal of Orthopedic Rheumatology , a review details that yoga has positive effects in reducing low back pain and disability.

Butterfly pose 

How to do it?

  • Sit on the floor, on a mat, with your legs spread and bent.
  • At the beginning of the exercise, try to keep your back straight.
  • You should try to get the soles of your feet together.
  • Hold your ankles while you do it.
  • If you can’t get to this position, nothing happens. Day by day you will achieve it, but it is convenient to go little by little.
  • Later, you can begin to lean forward, until you feel slight pressure on your hip.
  • Hold this pose for 5 seconds, relax and repeat it again.

Stretching exercises

Stretching is another low-impact exercise for sciatic nerve pain. As the experts from Harvard Medical School explain through Harvard Health Publishing , stretching helps increase the flexibility and range of motion of the joints.

How to make them?

  • To start, you lie on your back on a mat or mat. Then, with the help of your hands, try to bring your knee to your chest and hold for 30 seconds.
  • As you hold, feel your spine stretch. The pose should not cause pain.
  • After the recommended time, stretch your leg and repeat with the opposite leg.
  • Next, lying in the same position, bend your knees and cross one leg over the other.
  • With your hands, stretch your leg toward your chest and hold for 30 seconds. Then repeat with the opposite leg.
  • Lastly, put a ribbon on the sole of your foot and try to stretch your leg up as far as possible. Hold 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

Strengthening exercises

In order to control and prevent pain in the sciatic nerve, hip and back, it is also advisable to dedicate a space to strengthening exercises. A publication through the National Center for Biotechnology Information highlights that these exercises, combined with those mentioned above, help against low back pain.

Specifically, they help improve muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, and range of motion, among others. Although there are many ways to practice them, here is a quick and easy routine to practice at home.

Strengthening exercises

How to make them?

  • First, you lie on your back, with your legs bent and your abdomen contracting. Try to maintain normal, fluid breathing, holding the pose for 10 seconds.
  • In the same posture, put a cushion between your knees and press one leg against the other while continuing to contract your abdomen. Hold for 5-10 seconds and release. Repeat 3 times.
  • Then remove the cushion, bring both legs together, and raise your hips toward the ceiling (bridge pose). Hold for 10-15 seconds and lower yourself. Perform 10-15 repetitions, 3 sets.
  • To finish, lift one bent leg so that it is at a 90-degree angle to the ground. Repeat the exercise with the other leg and then try to hold both legs in the air for 5 seconds. Go down one by one and complete 5 reps.

Consulting the doctor is important

Remember to take care of your ailments with the help of a professional. Both the doctor and the physiotherapist will be able to guide you on other available treatments to favor the relief of sciatica and other frequent pain.

In addition, you cannot ignore that in some cases it is a sign of other diseases. Therefore, it is best to receive the necessary tests for a timely diagnosis.

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