European Day For The Prevention Of Cardiovascular Risk

The cardiovascular system constitutes an internal transport network that stars the heart, but that is usually neglected until difficulties arise. Therefore, we tell you more about prevention and risks.

The European Day for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Risk appears on March 14 with the intention of changing the general perception of taking lightly harmful habits that can lead to serious problems.

Statistics indicate that cardiovascular diseases rank first as a cause of death in middle-aged people. This is within the estimates in developed countries. On the other hand, the projection indicates that by the year 2030, and in case of not taking action, the annual average of global deaths could reach 23 million.

Thus, the importance of raising awareness is that many of the cardiovascular diseases can be ruled out or, failing that, minimized by modifying harmful habits.

Celebration of the European Day for Cardiovascular Risk Prevention

The first celebration of the European Day for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Risk took place in 2005. The birth came from the agreement between European organizations that are dedicated to monitoring the evolution of cardiovascular health in different sectors.

In this way, they detected that the curve of affected people and deaths presented a worrying rise, which is why it was imperative to take the initiative. In short, March 14 was established as the preferred date to make cardiovascular risk (CVR) visible.

Main objectives

The main objectives of the celebration are the prevention and reduction of cardiovascular diseases with the adoption of healthy measures. On the other hand, it seeks to create a higher degree of consciousness from information programs that can be easily replicated.

In addition, part of the objectives is to make visible which are the risk factors, such as obesity, smoking or stress, to name some of those that have the greatest impact.


The activities increasingly bring together more volunteers, therefore, it has been achieved that the European Day for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Risk is marked on people’s calendar. Among the most used initiatives are the following:

  • Conferences.
  • Use of social networks to increase the visibility of the problem.
  • Organization of charity events.
  • Publication of testimonials.
  • Telematic meetings.
  • Information days.
  • Free medical consultations to assess cardiovascular risk.
  • Receipt of doubts and subsequent response on different cases.

Main causes and cardiovascular risk factors

The causes and risk factors are a decisive aspect in the European Day for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Risk. From its explanation, it seeks to lower the average number of injured worldwide.


Obesity unleashes cardiovascular problems, since people with this condition tend to have elevations in cholesterol or an increase in blood pressure. In countries like Spain, obesity statistics show that it affects 17% of the population.


Tobacco addiction is very dangerous and increases the chances of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The direct relationship is that frequent use of nicotine leads to stiffness of the arteries, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.


Stress promotes a series of alterations that endanger the balanced functioning of the cardiovascular system. This physiological reaction raises blood pressure, affects cholesterol, and even causes heart rhythm disturbances.

Idiopathic hypertension

Idiopathic, primary or essential hypertension refers to an increase in the pressure of the blood vessels with no apparent cause. The risk is that the higher the pressure, the greater the work of the heart. In this way, the left ventricle suffers the consequences, something that is evidenced by a thickening that compromises the heart.


According to what the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC) indicates, the increase in cholesterol is directly related to the possibility of a life-threatening cardiovascular event.

Prevention and recommendations

When the cardiovascular difficulties arrive, it only remains to cope with the situation. However, you don’t have to go that far to change your lifestyle. Therefore, we leave you some prevention tips and feasible recommendations.

Preserve the ideal weight

While obesity is more likely to lead to cardiovascular disease, being overweight is also a risk factor. In these cases, physical activity (30 minutes a day) and a balanced diet can make big differences.

Regulation of blood pressure

The lack of control in blood pressure is what modifies the pumping of the heart. Thus, it is recommended to maintain pressure control at all ages, but the elderly require more attention. It is preferable to go to the doctor once a year to evaluate the functioning or any action that should be taken.

Cut down on alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol weakens the heart and reduces its pumping ability. The consequence? A dilated cardiomyopathy, also called alcoholic cardiomyopathy. In this way, it is an option that alcohol consumption is not disproportionate. Even if possible, the ideal is to dismiss it.

Enough hours of sleep

Respecting the hours of rest gives the body many advantages. On this occasion, we focus on its benefits to reduce stress, the possible appearance of hypertension and obesity (indirectly). Sleeping between 6 and 8 hours is a must.

Sugar control

Diabetes doubles the danger of cardiovascular failure. This compared to people who do not suffer from the pathology.

European Day for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Risk: what to remember?

The European Day for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Risk is an opportunity to learn and remember the importance of daily habits for the care of the heart and its operating environment.

It is essential to be aware of this, as cardiovascular diseases are on the rise. Controlling the body mass index (BMI) and factors such as stress is also decisive. Likewise, it is advisable to request regular medical consultations, especially if there are relevant risk factors.

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