Do You Have Dark Circles? Hide Them Naturally!

Bags under the eyes, like dark circles, are really very unsightly and make us look much more tired than we are. They can be difficult to cover and give us an appearance of lack of care on our skin or face.

There are different reasons why dark circles can appear: if it is about dark circles product of a night without sleep, it is not the same as cases of genetics, allergies or fluid retention. Learn how to hide dark circles and bags naturally, without resorting to surgery.

Recommendations to say goodbye to dark circles and bags under the eyes

eyes with dark circles

Find out more:  How to reduce dark circles: 6 remedies with essential oils

  • First of all, you should eat a balanced, low-sodium diet and consume plenty of water.
  • Sleep on your back so that water doesn’t collect in the eye area, which is what causes bags. To avoid dark circles you have to sleep for at least 8 consecutive hours.
  • Put two spoons in the freezer and leave them overnight. When you get up, lie on your back and place the spoons under your eyes. Keep them for five minutes, until they are no longer cold. The swelling will be reduced, because the low temperature will cause the blood vessels to constrict and the swelling will be reduced.
  • Dip a cloth in a cup of cold green tea and place it on your eyes, letting it sit for 20 minutes. It is ideal for when we return from work. The tea will increase circulation in the area and reduce swelling.

  • When you get up, spray your eyes with water. Next, place a raw potato on each or a cucumber slice. Let it sit for 10 minutes and it will reduce the unsightly appearance of dark circles. You must repeat it three times a week.
  • With the ring finger, tap under the eyes, from the inside to the outside (from the inside out), 10 times per eye, once a day. It will help you release fluid build-up and stimulate circulation.
  • Take two raw egg whites and place it under your eyes allowing them to dry. Rinse with lukewarm water, patting dry. The vitamin B in the egg will improve circulation.

Effective treatments for dark circles

Dark circles are a classic symptom of an unhealthy lifestyle. It may be because your nutrition is poor or you have insomnia problems or because you have a skin problem. In order to avoid dark circles, keep the following recommendations in mind:

  • Get enough sleep: allow your body to recover and so do your skin and your mind.
  • Drink lots of water: this will make your skin softer and smoother, you will also be hydrated and eliminate toxins.
  • Eat healthy: diet is closely related to skin problems. To make it look radiant and not have to suffer from dark circles, consume more vitamins and minerals. So your face will be radiant.
  • Use natural bleach to remove pigmentation. You can take advantage of the advantages of sliced ​​potatoes or cucumbers, they will offer you more instant benefits.
  • Use tea bags – any kind, but regular is good. Prepare the infusion as usual, let it rest and cool. Wet a cloth and apply under the eyes. You can also place the cold sachet directly on the eyes. This will reduce the swelling.
  • Make a honey paste with a tablespoon of powdered milk and apply to the area, leaving it to act for 15 minutes and rinsing with warm water.

    Makeup tricks to cover dark circles

    While you wait for home remedies and good habits to show you their results for dark circles and bags, you can take advantage of makeup tricks to hide these two common facial problems.

    A good foundation can work miracles on your skin, don’t forget that. In stores you will find many brands of products for dark circles, however, they are not always suitable for your skin or make you look like you are wearing a mask.

    This makeup covers a lot but the problem lies in those with a very white complexion, because there is almost never a matching tone. If you are not a professional in the art of makeup, you may suffer what is known as the “panda bear effect”. This occurs when we have a lighter or darker tone around the eyes.

    eye contour

    Discover more:  9 masks to relax the eyes and eliminate dark circles

    To avoid this and at the same time hide the unsightly dark circles, once your face is clean, apply the usual base by tapping with your fingers, so you will cover the dark circles, make sure they are not visible. Let it sit for a few minutes and continue applying makeup, this is to prevent the top coat from sweeping the foundation. What is recommended is to put makeup on the entire face except in the area of ​​dark circles. In this area, you should apply a softer coat with the brush.

    This way you will get coverage as opaque as the base under the eyes and you will get the same tone, avoiding stains in that area. There are lighter or shiny mineral powders, to give light touches, very blurred, to equalize the face.

    If you notice that you have been a lighter tone where the dark circles are, you can compensate with a little blush on the cheeks. You will avoid that attention is focused where you do not want, you can also paint your lips more, with a striking color, such as red.

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