Do You Have A Stuffy Nose? Say Goodbye With These 7 Herbal Remedies

Nasal congestion is a common symptom in cases of colds, allergies, flu, colds, etc. Although it is part of the detoxification and healing process of our body, when you have nasal congestion it can be very annoying in the daily routine.

In this article we share 7 remedies for nasal congestion based on medicinal plants. We propose different methods to say goodbye to this symptom through infusions, massages and steam. 

7 natural remedies that you can take advantage of when you have a stuffy nose

1. Mustard seeds

Mustard is not just a sauce to dress our recipes. The seeds of this plant are a healing remedy that has been used since ancient times for its vasodilator, calorific, circulatory, analgesic, etc. properties. It is an excellent natural treatment to clear the airways when you have a stuffy nose.

We can consume mustard seeds in infusions or vegetable broths. We can also apply mustard oil, but always diluted in another vegetable oil, such as almond, sesame or coconut oil.

2. Ginger

Ginger for nasal congestion

Ginger is a very effective remedy that can help you when you have a stuffy nose; You can also take advantage of its properties to prevent other frequent symptoms of colds and flu. In addition to being a natural antibiotic, it helps eliminate mucus and decongest the respiratory tract.

We can consume it in multiple ways, such as raw, powdered, juices, infusions, smoothies, etc. However, we can also use its oil through an aromatherapy diffuser. In this way, we will improve our breathing while enjoying its special aroma.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant with so many benefits that we recommend having it in our home as a natural medicine cabinet. It has multiple uses, both internally and externally, as it stands out for its anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, protective and regenerative properties, among others.

Aloe vera is also useful if you have a stuffy nose, as it can help us fight a stuffy nose. To do this, we can mix the natural aloe vera with water, in equal parts, and use it as a nasal spray. We can also consume it in juices, mixed with fruits.

4. Cayenne pepper

If you are a lover of spicy food, you will already know the decongestant effect that it causes immediately. However, not all spicy seasonings have the same properties. Among them, we highly recommend cayenne pepper.

This spice facilitates the elimination of mucus , and increases our body temperature, among other therapeutic properties. If we are not in the habit of eating spicy, we can start adding it in very small amounts to our stews to gradually increase it.

5. Swab

Cayenne for nasal congestion

Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is a medicinal plant with mucolytic and expectorant properties. In this sense, it is a remedy to relieve nasal congestion and allows us to treat flu, pharyngitis, sinusitis, allergies, etc.

We can take it as an infusion, extract or capsules, always according to the manufacturer’s instructions. We can also use its essential oil topically. As a curiosity, it is also a culinary aromatic plant, although less known than others, that we can use as a condiment.

6. Pine essential oil

Essential oils are natural remedies that allow us to effectively and practically treat different symptoms and disorders while enjoying their delicious aroma. However, we must know well their properties and ways of using them.

If you have nasal congestion you can opt for pine essential oil. This oil relieves nasal congestion and helps in the prevention of conditions such as sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, etc.

The fastest way to use this essential oil is by applying a few drops in the nostrils and between the eyebrows. In this way we achieve an immediate decongestant effect. We can also use an oil diffuser in the room of our home where we are. If we want to multiply its healing effect, we can combine it with hyssop oil.

7. Eucalyptus fumes

Eucalyptus fumes are an ancient method of decongesting the airways in general. By breathing in the vapor from the decoction of this plant, we facilitate breathing and promote the elimination of mucus. 

We can steam once a day, for example before going to bed. We recommend staying 5 minutes and putting a towel over your head to better concentrate the vapors.

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