Discover The Incredible Benefits Of Frankincense Essential Oil

Thanks to its properties, frankincense essential oil can help us take care of skin health. It favors healing, it is anti-inflammatory and, in addition, its smell is relaxing.

The use of essential oils is ancient. In cultures like Asiatic and Mediterranean Europe they were used as natural remedies. In this case, we mean frankincense essential oil.

This natural oil has medicinal and aesthetic properties. Discover in this article all the benefits it can bring us. 

Essential oils

Essential oils are produced by dry distilling aromatic plants. They are made by distilling the water and applying it with the essence. This process avoids taking away the properties of the plants, and the water will only serve to make the oil appear liquid.

In the distillation process, the essential oil is physically separated from the aqueous phase because they are fat soluble. By separating, the effect on the skin will be greater and will exert a better action on the person.

Frankincense essential oil

Incense is often known as a powder or scented sticks. This essence comes from the bark of Boswellia. The white sap is extracted from the tree and allowed to harden for several days until it becomes a rubber resin.

The essence of incense is composed of ketone alcohols, natural resins and terpenes. Other chemical constituents of frankincense essence are alpha pinene, actanol, bornyl acetate, and octyl.

An oil with healing properties

Among the properties of frankincense essential oil is to relax or stimulate the psyche. This happens because the aroma enhances the sensation through smell.

By applying the oil, they will improve the natural healing, regeneration, anti-inflammatory and defensive processes in the skin. It will also help strengthen the skin and reduce respiratory problems, among other benefits for the body.

frankincense essential oil

Properties for the body

Rejuvenates the skin

Frankincense essential oil helps strengthen the skin. In addition to rejuvenating it, the aroma will be impregnated.

Apply this oil before sleeping and massage the skin gently to promote absorption. Your skin will be strong and hydrated with this natural treatment. Frankincense essential oil will help you to show off a radiant and healthy dermis!

Helps strengthen joints and prevent arthritis

Frankincense essential oil is ideal for relieving joint pain and bumps on the legs or arms. Massage the oil on the affected areas. Its anti-inflammatory properties will penetrate the skin and relieve pain.

For people suffering from arthritis, this oil will be an ally to relieve pain. In this case, the massages should be more leisurely to avoid inflammation in the joints.

Reduces respiratory problems

To combat respiratory problems, frankincense essential oil can be applied topically or by inhalation. An ideal solution is to spray this oil, because its anti-inflammatory properties will help clean the airways.

The smell of this oil is comforting and you will feel the air flow into your nostrils. Treatments for some problems such as asthma can benefit from this oil. However, if you suffer from sinusitis, you should consult your doctor to avoid irritation.

Prevents the appearance of digestive disorders

Frankincense oil accelerates the secretion of gastric juices, bile and acids. The consumption of this oil stimulates the peristaltic movement so that the food moves correctly. It also helps reduce irritation in the intestine.

  • Add a few drops of oil to a glass of water and drink after breakfast.
  • You can ingest the oil two or three times a day. It is advisable to do it at the end of meals to help the digestive process.

Fight bad breath and support oral health

Finally, if you have bad breath or toothaches, don’t worry because frankincense essential oil will help your oral health. The antiseptic qualities of this oil can prevent bad breath, cavities, toothaches, mouth sores, and other mouth infections.

  • Put three drops of frankincense essential oil in a glass of water and gargle after brushing your teeth.
  • With this simple natural remedy you will avoid the appearance of sores and have better oral health.

frankincense essential oil

You already know the benefits of frankincense essential oil. Now you can take advantage of it to improve the different conditions of the body. In addition, you will enjoy its intense and pleasant aroma.

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