Discover 6 Habits That Cause Abdominal Inflammation

Abdominal inflammation can be the result of some type of intolerance or gas accumulation. In case of being persistent, it is convenient to consult with the specialist.

Many people believe that the only cause of abdominal inflammation is the accumulation of fat that occurs due to poor diet and sedentary lifestyle.

While it is true that localized fat is one of those responsible, the truth is that there are other factors that influence its appearance.

For example, excessive consumption of salt causes fluids to accumulate in the tissues and increase the inflammatory response of the body.

Something similar happens due to food intolerances that  cause indigestion and problems in the digestive tract.

As a consequence, the figure looks heavier than normal and there are discomforts such as the feeling of heaviness. Because of this, it is important to know what habits can cause it and how to act to prevent them from happening again.

Habits that lead to abdominal swelling

1. Consume dairy

Consume dairy

The consumption of milk and derived products is one of the most common causes of abdominal inflammation.

This is due to intolerance to lactose, its natural sugar, which is fermented in the colon when the body does not produce the enzymes that allow it to be digested normally.

This malabsorption also leads to intestinal gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even episodes of constipation.

How to solve it?

  • To avoid inflammation due to dairy consumption, it is best to replace them with healthy alternatives such as plant-based milks.
  • To achieve the necessary calcium intake we can opt for vegetables rich in this mineral.

2. Eating too fast

Eating too fast and not chewing food well can lead to indigestion by facilitating excessive passage of air into the stomach.

Although we do not notice this while we eat, when we eat food in a hurry we swallow air and we are more likely to have a swollen belly.

How to solve it?

  • Plan times of at least 20 minutes for each main meal of the day. It is important to have adequate time to eat slowly and chew well.
  • Avoid distractions during meals so you don’t make the mistake of eating food without grinding it well first.

3. Eating too much salt

Eating too much salt

Excess sodium intake is one of the leading causes of fluid retention, high blood pressure, and inflammation of body tissues.

Although we cannot deny that it gives food an excellent flavor, its excess in the body is negative and can cause more serious diseases.

As consumers, it is essential to bear in mind that the salt we consume is not only what they sell to prepare dishes, but also what industrialized food contains.

How to solve it?

  • Replace refined salt with sea salt or Himalayan salts.
  • You can also choose to season with healthy spices such as oregano, pepper or thyme, among others.
  • Remember to check the labels of your products to calculate how much salt they contribute to your body.

4. Chew a lot of gum

Daily gum consumption may be the reason why you struggle to achieve a flat stomach.  When chewing it, a lot of air enters the body and increases abdominal swelling.

How to solve it?

  • If you feel like chewing gum, make some fruit and vegetable snacks to replace it.

5. Consume carbonated drinks

Consuming carbonated drinks

Large advertising campaigns have made us think that soft drinks and soft drinks are good alternatives to quench thirst and heat.

However, health experts confirm that they are not the best option, since they do not suppose a significant nutritional contribution and contain artificial substances that are harmful to health.

Its high sugar content, added to gas and artificial sweeteners,  cause reactions at the digestive level and increase abdominal inflammation.

So that bubbly sensation that we love so much later is what triggers the annoying bloating and heaviness.

How to solve it?

  • Instead of continuing to spend on these types of drinks, prepare natural fruit juices, flavored waters or infusions at home.
  • Remember that to stay hydrated you must drink two liters of water a day.

6. Skipping meals or eating little

Skipping meals or reducing recommended servings is not a way to save calories to lose weight.

Although for a long time it was thought that it was an option to lose weight, it is already proven that it can cause adverse reactions and other difficulties.

Eating less than five times a day causes digestion difficulties, more hunger and greater accumulation of fat in the abdomen.

How to solve it?

  • Serve moderate portions for each main course and plan a menu spread over five meals a day.

If after practicing these habits the abdominal inflammation persists, consult your doctor to analyze what may be the reason. Many times, a change in diet or the elimination of some food usually solves the situation.

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