Delicious Shrimp Enchiladas Recipe

Just reading shrimp enchiladas makes your stomach growl and your mouth salivates. Without a doubt, a particularly delicious recipe full of flavor. To enjoy it, the best we can do is prepare it at home. In this way, we will make sure that the ingredients are very fresh and that they do not have any preservatives or special additives.

This proposal can be prepared for both breakfasts and lunches. The really great thing about shrimp enchiladas is the ease they offer you when making them and how juicy they are. Data that is no less, because that is the particular attraction, the combination between shrimp and sofrito.

Now, where does this dish originate from? As information on Wikipedia highlights , it comes from Mexico. Yes, with its vast variety of corn-based preparations that use many types of meat and spices.

In case you’re not too used to corn-based food, don’t worry. You will notice a couple of issues in doing so. The first, which is very simple to do (the whole process takes  about 20 minutes ), and second, it does not have too many ingredients.

Do you want to learn how to prepare shrimp enchiladas?

How to make shrimp enchiladas

How to make shrimp enchiladas

The best known dish of this kind of Mexican recipes are the classic enchiladas accompanied with beef or pork. Its variation with seafood is less known, although not for that reason less tasty.

On the other hand, it is a different way to take advantage of the nutritional qualities of shrimp. And, as supported by a study published in the  Global Journal of Health Science , shellfish  are an important source of protein, amino acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

They are also an important source of omega 3, whose proper assimilation contributes to reducing the risk of heart disease. So, do you dare to try this dish? Of course, as always, be sure to moderate your portions so you don’t overdo the calories.

Shrimp enchiladas recipe

The spicy touch of these shrimp enchiladas can be varied according to your preferences. In this case, we suggest about 8 grams. Of course, the recipe contains other ingredients ranging from vegetables to dairy. In the end, it offers us a simply delicious combination.


  • 1 serrano pepper (8 g).
  • 10 corn tortillas (500 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of salt (50 g).
  • 3 chopped onions (200 g).
  • 2 cups of heavy cream (220 mL).
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped coriander (25 g).
  • 3 cups of grated white cheese (300 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (30 mL).
  • 1 tablespoon of ground epazote (25 g).
  • 6 cups of whole shrimp (600 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of ground white pepper (25 g).



  • Heat the tablespoon of vegetable oil in a skillet over low heat. Wait for it to heat well.
  • Then, sauté the chopped onions with the salt and pepper until you notice them brown.
  • Take the shrimp and gradually add them to the sauce, in the company of the epazote so that you can perceive the aroma that this plant gives off.
  • Leave them there until you see that they have taken on a softer and more tender look (and texture). Remember: if you go over the cooking time, they may be too hard and you will have to pass them through boiling water to soften them. Don’t forget this tip.
  • Proceed to heat the corn tortillas in the pan that you already used. The trick is in the time you leave them in the pan. The longer the time, the crisper they will be. It will always depend on how you like them.
  • Go to the blender and place in it the cilantro, heavy cream, chili, cheese and the other ingredients that you did not use in the preparation of the shrimp.
  • Make sure to blend very well. Try to remove any trace of lump that remains in the preparation of the sauce. If you notice that the mixture is too thick, add a little water. 1/2 cup will do.
  • Finally, take a corn tortilla, fill it with the shrimp mixture and spread a little of the sauce that you have made. The rest is just enjoying the food.

Are you having shrimp enchiladas for dinner tonight? As you just noticed, its preparation is not difficult at all. In addition, it allows you to take advantage of the nutrients in foods such as seafood, which are increasingly being made to a more special place in the diet

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