Cucumber And The Beauty Of The Skin

Popularly, we know cucumber for its uses and applications in cosmetics. Plenty are known moisturizing properties and their use for the production of masks.

In this article we are going to remember its topical applications but we will also discover the properties and benefits that it brings us when we take it as food.

Topical applications of cucumber

The high water content (95%) and its richness in vitamin E and essential oils make cucumber have properties:

  • Emollient
  • Refreshing
  • Greaseproof
  • Moisturizing
  • Cleaner
  • Nutritious

It provides a much fresher and more rested appearance. It improves the appearance of the skin, even rejuvenating it, as its ability to prevent the appearance of wrinkles is postulated.

Its anti-grease property makes it a great remedy for acne and pimples as it neutralizes the oil that accompanies acne.

We can also use cucumber to treat skin problems such as burns, wounds, dermatitis, prolonged exposure to the sun, and it has also been shown to be effective in treating rosacea.

If we apply two fresh slices of cucumber on the eyes, we will have a very effective remedy for tired and irritated eyes, dark circles, styes and conjunctivitis.

Due to its high sulfur and silicon content, cucumber helps hair growth and gives it shine. We can also apply a cucumber preparation to relieve the discomfort of tired or loaded legs.


Properties of consuming cucumber as food

Again, its great contribution of water is the main responsible for its properties. Its low caloric value makes it an ideal component of weight loss diets.

This also gives it diuretic and cleansing properties, so its consumption is recommended in patients suffering from edema, gout, urinary tract infections, hypertension, etc.

It contains a lot of fiber so it helps regulate digestion and contains a substance (erepsin) that acts as a protector of the intestinal mucosa.

Those people who have a tendency to suffer diarrhea and / or gas should consume it wisely.

In addition, among its components, it provides some B vitamins such as folic acid and also vitamin C, essential to stimulate the immune system.

Other components are minerals such as potassium or silicon and other trace elements such as copper and manganese. The silicon present in cucumber helps in the formation of collagen that is part of the skin. Copper and manganese, for their part, are part of antioxidant compounds that are synthesized in the body.

As we can see, we can use it topically to treat various conditions and improve our appearance. Also as food it will help us to purify our body and to follow a healthy diet.

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