Can We Get Sick Wearing Certain Clothes?

Did you know that some fabrics or clothing-related habits can be making you sick? Do not you believe it? Then read the following article! Inside the closet may be our worst enemies, the quietest that exist.

Consequences of wearing clothes that are too tight

Clothes that are too tight to the body can cause us problems. If you have burning or pain in your stomach after eating, it may be because the clothing used does not stretch enough. Some fabrics do not have the ability to expand like others, or you are wearing the belt too tight.

When sitting down to eat, you can unbutton a button on your shirt, or use the loosest belt. This will not only make you more comfortable, but also allow stomach acids to do their job properly. You will feel better and less bloated.

Constipation, ulcers, stomach pain, nausea, and heartburn can be caused by wearing tight-fitting clothing, wearing belts, or girdles.

Another consequence of this type of clothing or accessories is shallow breathing, that is, the deficient entry of air into our lungs.

If you feel that you are very tired, that you cannot do anything without feeling fatigued or that your head hurts a lot, it may be because you are not oxygenating your body properly. Allow your lungs, chest, and belly to widen each time you breathe by wearing less tight clothing.

Tight pants

Does cellulite bother you? Stop wearing jeans that squeeze your thighs! The pressure of the tight pants prevents good blood circulation, the microcirculation of cells and the elimination of toxins, which helps the formation of cellulite, explains plastic surgeon Mato Ansorena.

Another consequence of wearing tight pants is “meralgia paresthetica”, as confirmed by a study published in the journal Rheumatology Clinic. It is a compression of the nerves in the legs that causes tingling, numbness and burning in the outer thigh. It can also cause spasms and a lot of pain in the area.

It is a frequent evil in those who spend the day sitting down, such as in an office or driving. It is best to use types of fabrics such as linen or cotton.

Other ailments, such as edema or swelling of the legs and ankles, although caused by sedentary work, are also made worse by wearing tight pants or socks. There are rest socks (such as those used on long airplane trips) so that this does not happen.

Tight clothes

On the other hand, we can suffer from irritations, rashes and infections, such as fungi, from wearing wet clothes for a long time.

Also  clothes that take time to dry when we have them on can cause us illnesses such as flu. It is advisable to wear light-colored cotton garments, so that they absorb moisture and, at the same time, dry body sweat.

Shoe problems

Yes, shoes can also be causing certain ailments. On the one hand, we have heels, which cause a lot of problems in the feet and spine of women.

On the other hand, very closed shoes can be a breeding ground for fungi or cause problems and low back pain and plantar fasciitis.

Although the best footwear is sports, when we have to go to work we can choose one that does not squeeze the foot so much and allows it to move easily.

Washing and drying clothes can also make us sick

This does not mean that we do not have to do laundry, but it does mean that we take into account certain issues. Let’s start with the task of cleaning the clothes, something we do every day at home.

According to Charles Gerba, a professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona, it is not good to mix socks and underwear with other clothes when using the washing machine. This is because they have certain inherent bacteria that then spread to the rest of the clothing.


It is true that, when washing, many of these microorganisms disappear, but not all. Germs like Salmonella and E. Coli resist all wash cycles, especially cold and warm water.

On the other hand, washing underwear with soap and fabric conditioner can cause rashes, itching and eczema. Some tips so that washing does not make you sick:

  • Use hot water in your wash cycles.
  • Wash underwear separately from other clothes.
  • Try to wash underwear and socks with mild soap.
  • If you go to a laundromat, don’t use the washers for your underwear.
  • Wash your hands after handling dirty clothes.

On the other hand, drying clothes may be causing certain illnesses in your home.

A study of 100 homes by the Mackintosh School of Architecture in Scotland found that a third of the homes had moisture problems due to dryers.

This humidity causes mold and encourages the reproduction of mites. 25% of the houses that participated in the study had mold spores that cause respiratory problems. To prevent this from happening, make sure the dryer and washer are in separate areas of the living room, dining room, kitchen, or bedrooms.  

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