Benzoyl Peroxide To Treat Acne

Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most used drugs to treat acne, especially the inflammatory type. It is a strong keratolytic substance as well as being antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

A keratolytic substance is one that has the property of dissolving the horny layer, that is, the outermost layer of the skin. By dissolving this layer, it softens the keratin that forms the outer layers of the skin and other tissues.

To understand how effective benzoyl peroxide is in fighting acne, let’s first review what acne is.

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What is acne?

Many times we have heard the term acne or even suffered from it. Acne is a common skin disease, common in adolescents and young adults, between the ages of 12 and 24. However, anyone can have it.

It usually occurs on the face, forehead, chest, back and shoulders because most of the glands that produce fat (sebaceous glands) are found there. The hair follicles (where the hair comes out) are connected to the sebaceous glands.

Acne appears in the form of pimples or blackheads that  form when the hair follicles become clogged. 

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The sebaceous glands produce oil that normally comes out of the hair follicles to the surface of the skin. However, skin cells can plug the follicles, blocking the passage of fat from the sebaceous glands. When the follicles become clogged, the skin bacteria Propionibacterium acnes begin to multiply within the follicles and cause inflammation.

So, the main causes that can trigger acne are:

  • Excessive fat production
  • Blockage of hair follicles with fat and dead skin cells
  • Bacteria
  • Excess activity of a type of hormones (androgens)

    Next, let’s take a look at how benzoyl peroxide works to understand how it fights acne.

    How does benzoyl peroxide work?

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    Benzoyl peroxide is a drug that acts as exfoliating and antiinflammatory. It increases the rate of replacement of the outer layer of the skin, cleanses the pores and reduces the number of bacteria due to its antiseptic action. In other words, its main mode of action against acne would be due to its activity against P.acnes bacteria .

    Patients who are treated with this drug show a reduction in fatty acids in addition to moderate desquamation. That is, it dries and exfoliates the skin.

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    It is applied to the skin, once or twice a day depending on the intensity of the disease and the tolerance of the skin to the drug.

    Before applying benzoyl peroxide, wash your skin thoroughly with mild soap and water. Also, make sure you are not allergic to benzoyl peroxide or its components.

    Adverse reactions

    Regular use of this drug may cause a slight burning sensation and slight redness. In addition, it is usually accompanied by dryness and skin peeling. In any case, it is usually not harmful and disappears when treatment is stopped.

    In general, it is a safe drug that does not cause severe allergic reactions. If it happens, they disappear spontaneously on discontinuation of use.

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