Benefits Of Cinnamon And Honey Tea For Weight Loss

Cinnamon is one of the best known and most used spices in gastronomy. It is one of the basic ingredients in various recipes and drinks and has many beneficial properties. In that sense, it is convenient for you to know the properties of cinnamon and honey tea to lose weight.

Cinnamon tea is a recommended drink to keep the body in good condition when temperatures are low. In the same way, it acts against viral infections and bacteria, according to this study carried out by Baqiyatallah University (Iran).

On the other hand, when it comes to cosmetic uses,  cinnamon tea has properties that promote weight loss.

Properties of cinnamon to lose weight

Cinnamon tea.

With cinnamon it is possible to lose weight since it accelerates the metabolism, which favors the burning of fat. This is stated in this study carried out by Saveetha University (India). It has an effect that generates heat in the body, and affects the most important adipose tissues such as those located in the neck and abdomen.

This is just the beginning of the special properties of cinnamon that you should take advantage of if you want to lose weight. Other effects it causes in your body, according to this research conducted by Oklahoma State University (among others) are:

  • Reduce blood sugar level.
  • Reduce cholesterol level.

When there is a significant level of sugar in the bloodstream, vascular circulation to each of the vital organs and cellular oxygenation are complicated. Some consequences of this process are obesity and diabetes.

Similarly, when the person has high levels of cholesterol it also affects blood circulation, thus increasing the chances of suffering heart attacks, strokes or vascular obstruction, among others.

Benefits and cosmetic uses of honey and cinnamon

Honey to lose weight.

Honey also has an important contribution for you, whether you want to lose weight or make changes to a more organic eating routine. It is an excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, according to this study conducted by the KPC Medical College (India).

It is very useful in the preparation of drinks and desserts, especially to replace unhealthy ingredients.

However, no matter how many powers honey has, you must have control. This viscous liquid has almost the same calories as refined sugar. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, it is better that you do not exceed the recommended amount.

For its part, cinnamon also has important uses for beauty and well-being. With a daily teaspoon it is possible:

  • Reduce inflammation. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Ghent (Belgium).
  • Regularize digestion, according to this research carried out by the University Malaysia Kelantan (Malaysia).
  • Prevent premature aging. This is stated in this study carried out by the Clinical Center of Lis (Serbia), which suggests that it prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

How to prepare cinnamon and honey tea?

Preparing a rich cup of cinnamon and honey tea is very simple:


  • Cinnamon powder (3.5 g).
  • Honey from bees.
  • A cup of hot water (250 ml).
  • Lemon juice (optional).


  • Heat the water, ensuring that it does not reach a boil point.
  • Then add the cinnamon and honey.
  • Stir well so that the ingredients are mixed and you will have a delicious tea ready to drink and to lose those extra kilos.
  • If you want, you can add a few drops of lemon in case you like acid touches.

What time to take the infusion?

What time to take the slimming infusion.

When talking about wanting to lose weight, it is important to consider when to take this infusion.

We recommend consuming a cup of cinnamon and honey tea just half an hour before having breakfast, or that you do it before going to sleep. You get the same slimming effects in both cases.

Contraindications of cinnamon and honey

In case you like this recipe too much and you think that following a specific measure is not so important, we will explain some contraindications to exceeding the daily dose of cinnamon and honey.

  • Among the possible side effects of excessive consumption of cinnamon are the risk of depression and damage to the liver.
  • As for honey, it tends to produce alterations in people who are allergic to pollen.

It considers that to obtain a benefit it must be done with due control. Be responsible for your general health and well-being and combine a physical exercise routine and a balanced diet, as this is not a silver bullet. Cinnamon and honey tea simply helps you lose weight as well as being a tasty addition.

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