Aubergine And Lemon Water To Reduce Cholesterol

There are many preparations and foods that claim to be able to improve the lipid profile. Taking into account that in recent years cholesterol has been blamed for much of the blame for cardiovascular problems, interest in these types of recipes is normal. A clear example is the aubergine and lemon water, however all that glitters is not gold.

The reality is that diet does not influence cholesterol levels as much as we might think. The diet is only capable of slightly varying blood cholesterol levels. Certain inappropriate habits such as consuming too much trans fat could cause cardiovascular risk, but consuming any type of fat will not worsen cardiovascular health.

Eggplant and lemon water: What is expected of it.


Remedy to dissolve fats and lower cholesterol

Eggplant and lemon water promises to act in many different ways to help us reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood:

  • Allowing to stimulate the production of bile.
  • The digestions are carried out more effectively.
  • The eggplant water with lemon allows us to better absorb the nutrients and regulate the level of cholesterol that is poured into the blood from the intestines.

Balance between sodium and potassium

As you already know,  a diet high in sodium is harmful to our body. Blood pressure rises and when this happens, the arteries become stiffer and we start to have heart and kidney problems.

Eggplant and lemon water is rich in potassium, a mineral that allows us to have a healthier life and prevent from strokes to heart attacks. This is what this research carried out by the Las Condes Clinic in Chile assures it.

The power of vitamin C, magnesium and iron

The combination of vitamin C, magnesium and iron is key to better heart health.

Vitamin C allows us to reduce cholesterol levels to prevent arteriosclerosis, according to this study conducted by the National University of Health Sciences in Lombardy, Italy. When we do not have an adequate level of vitamin C, our body tends to accumulate cholesterol in the arteries.

  • Cholesterol is a necessary type of fat that allows us to synthesize hormones and that, in addition, takes care of the good condition of the blood walls. However, the key is always to maintain an adequate level of this component.
  • The moment there is too much cholesterol in the blood, the problem appears. Hence the need to increase the consumption of vitamin C.
  • On the other hand, having a higher level of iron and magnesium will help us to strengthen the heart muscle, as stated in this study carried out by the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia. Something essential.


    Cholesterol is a lipoprotein that is synthesized endogenously in the body. This synthesis normally depends on the exogenous intake of this substance. In this way, if the intake of dietary cholesterol is high, the endogenous production of this substance will be diminished. The same happens on the contrary.

    Therefore, and despite the fact that there are foods that block the absorption of cholesterol at the intestinal level (fiber), it is difficult to break this aforementioned balance. The amount of cholesterol in a person is usually genetically determined, and may undergo slight variations throughout life. Thus, a diet very rich in trans fats and saturated foods can increase the LDL level a little, and a diet rich in mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids (along with sufficient fiber) will decrease their presence in plasma.

    This is not to say that lemon and eggplant water is not an interesting food. As we have seen, it does present certain nutrients and interesting properties for the body, but the ability to modulate the lipid profile is not one of them. However, to ensure correct cardiovascular health, there are certain habits that it is good to take into account.

    Regular exercise and a varied diet.

    Exercise is another tool that can be used to slightly improve the body’s lipid profile. It also reinforces cardiac efficiency and contractility, and prevents the appearance of problems related to the cardiovascular system.

    If this is accompanied by a varied diet, rich in oily fish, fruits, vegetables and fiber, the result will be a notable improvement in health. The key to almost any diet focused on improving health lies in variety. Limiting the intake of sugary and processed foods is a key point. From there, introducing different types of food and preparations is crucial to provide the necessary vitamins and minerals.

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